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How to edit the Hosts file


2. Typesudo nano/etc/hoststhen hitEnter.

3. Or sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

4. You'll be asked for your password. Because root privileges are needed to edit the Hosts.

5. Enter your admin password.

Use the arrow keys to move the cursor. Append your entries to the end of the file. Use the tab key or spaces to separate the IP from domains. See the example below and add the following details:

Example only (make sure you enter the correct IP and the address)

Once you're done, hold down thecontrolandOkeys to save the file and press enter to write. ThencontrolandXto exit the nano editor. That’s it, and reload your browser and you should be able to access ehors.To check if the host file has been configured successfully. Go to your browser and type your URL for Ehors, you should be able to see the login screen of Ehors.

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