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Last-minute and Early-bird are actually the same, they both count a number of days from the DCI to see if the benefits apply.

Early Bird is when the reservation has been made many days even a month before the date check-in.

Last Minute is when the reservation is made a few days before the date of check-in.

The activation of the discount is not only based on the number of days before check-in but also based on the occupancy of the property at the moment of the reservation. The discount can either be in the amount or in percentage. 

Remarks: This is a “Per Property” program. This means, add edit, delete will not affect other properties.

For example, Today's date is March 31, 2020, DCI is December 25, 2020

Early BirdNo. Of DaysDate From Date UntilPromotion DiscountOccupancy
Christmas Season60December 20, 2020December 30, 202030%60%
The above means, that the guest can avail of the early bird promotion 60 days before or earlier than the DCI. Which means you will be able to avail the promotion from today until October 26, 2020

Today's date is March 31, 2020, DCI is December 25, 2020

Last MinuteNo. Of DaysDate From Date UntilPromotion DiscountOccupancy
Christmas Season5December 20, 2020December 30, 20205030%
The above means, that the guest can avail of the last-minute promotion 5 days from the DCI. This means you will be able to avail of the promotion from December 20, 2020, until December 25, 2020.

To Add

  1. Click the button "+ Add new Record".
  2. Give the Last Minute/Early Bird promotion a name.
  3. Enter the no. of days. 
  4. Select the validity period.
  5. Select the type of promotion if it's for an early bird or last-minute promotion
  6. Select if the discount is based on a percentage or an amount.
  7. Enter the value of the discount.
  8. Enter the occupancy. This is optional.

To Edit

  1. Select the promotion that you want to edit.
  2. Click the "edit" icon and start editing the data.
  3. Click "submit" when done.
  4. Click "Cancel" if you don't want to make any changes.

To Delete (deactivate)

  1. Locate the name of the promotion that you want to deactivate, click "deactivate" button.
  2. Are you sure you want to de-activate this record?
  3. Click "OK".

To Re-activate

  1. UN-tick the box “hide inactive” to show the inactive records.
  2. Select the promotion that you want to re-activate, click the "re-activate" button.
  3. Are you sure you want to re-activate this record?
  4. Click "OK".

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