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MAIN MENU CATEGORY -  The main menu category represents the meal period available in the F&B outlet. In the current version, these meal periods were static.
In Winx, these meal periods will be dynamic and the user can define its own.

Important Note: The meal period "All day menu" is a fixed and mandatory main menu category. It is not editable. All the main menu categories created will be available in all the outlets of the property.

Remarks: This is a “Per Property” program. This means, add edit, and delete will not affect other properties.

Example of Main Menu Category (Meal Period)

  1. All-Day Menu (fixed)
  2. Breakfast
  3. Lunch
  4. Dinner
  5. High Tea
  6. Happy Hour

  1. Click on the "Add new record" button.
  2. Enter the Main Menu Category Name and the description. The description can be the same as the Main Menu Category.
  3. Click "submit" when you are done.

Double check before editing any main menu category name, as other outlet might be using that name already for their outlet.

  1. Click the "edit" icon and start editing the data.
  2. Click "submit" when done.
  3. Click "cancel" if you don't want to make any changes.

Double-check before deleting any main menu category as this category might be used already in an outlet.

  1. Select the main menu category that you want to deactivate, and click the "deactivate" button.
  2. Are you sure you want to de-activate this record?
  3. Click "OK".

  1. UN-tick the box “hide inactive” to show the inactive records.
  2. Select the main menu category that you want to re-activate, and click the "re-activate" button.
  3. Are you sure you want to re-activate this record?
  4. Click "OK".

The Main Menu Category created in this program will appear in the outlet management program. You need to link the meal period to an outlet and set the time for each meal period.

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