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This is the platform that streamlines customer support, requests, and reported bugs and is the replacement of Eventum (the previous support system). Not all users Authorized user can access the support system. Your HR, or whoever handles the employee program has to authorize if you can access the helpdesk and define if you can add, edit, and reply to the issue. helpdesk system directly from the E-Hors program. Users can be authorized in the program "Employee" in the Human Resource module.

Users that have access to Eventum do not automatically have access to E-Hors Helpdesk. For each user that needs to have access to Helpdesk HR needs to perform the following actions.

  1. Access to Ehors Support: Click "yes" if this employee is allowed to use the helpdesk. 
  2. E-hors Support Add/Edit/Reply on  Issue: Click "yes" if this employee can add, edit, or reply to the issue in the Helpdesk.  
  3. Super User - This feature is used in the helpdesk notification only. This setting will not appear if you are not logged in as an E-hors administrator. Ehors staff are by default tagged as super users. This means they will receive all notifications whenever an issue or update in the helpdesk is added. Super users can only be appointed by ehorsadmin. The property has to inform Ehors if that certain employee must be a super user for their property. 
