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  1. Update repository 
  2. install apache 

    Code Block
    apt install apache2 -y
  3. Install php7.4 version 

    Steps to install PHP 7.2 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server or desktop

    The steps given here can also be used for other Linux distros based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS such as POP OS Linux, Linux Mint, Elementary OS, and more…

    1. Run system update

    Our system must be in its latest state to avoid any package conflict. Hence, before going further, let’s first run the system update command to ensure all the available security updates are on our Ubuntu. 

    Code Block
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

    2. Add Ondrej PPA Repository on Ubuntu 22.04

    We cannot install the PHP7.4 packages using the default system repository of Ubuntu 22.04 because the default version of PHP present to install in this Ubuntu version is PHP 8.1. Hence, to get the older version, add the PPA repository called Ondrej

    Code Block
    sudo apt install software-properties-common
    Code Block
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php -y

    Add Ondrej PPA Repository on Ubuntu 22.04Image Modified

    3. Install PHP 7.4 on Ubuntu 22.04

    Now, we can install PHP7.4 on our Ubuntu 22.04 Linux, however, we need to mention the version number with the command otherwise the system will install the php8.1 on our system. Here are the commands to follow: 

    Code Block
    sudo apt install php7.4

    For Common Extensions you can use: 

    Code Block
    sudo apt install php7.4-{cli,common,curl,zip,gd,mysql,xml,mbstring,json,intl}

    install PHP 7.4 on Ubuntu 22.04 1Image Modified

    4. Set PHP7.4 as the default version

    Note: This step is only needed by those who are using two versions of PHP. For example, on Ubuntu 22.04 you are using PHP 7.4 and PHP 8.1 both. Hence, to make one of them as system’s default version we can use the update-alternatives command: 

    Code Block
    sudo update-alternatives --config php

    Enter one of the “Selection” numbers of the listed PHP version that you want to make the system’s default one. For example, here 7.4 is at 1 number, hence we have typed the same followed by pressing of the “Enter” key.

    Set PHP 7.4 as default version on UbuntuImage Modified

Install lightweight PHP service on the computer to handle MAC Address reading

  1. It will open your directory root folder windows and should only have 1 file called "index.php".  

    Code Block
    cd /var/www/html/
  2. Command to generate the php file 

    Code Block
    nano /var/www/html/getmac.php
  3. Once you have the file open, copy the following code into the "getmac.php"

    Code Block
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
    $Result = array("STATUS" => "", "MAC_ADDR" => "");
    function ReadMacAddressWinCommand()
        global $Result;
        if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
            $GetMacResult = exec('getmac /fo csv /nh | findstr /V /R /C:"disconnected"') or die("UNABLE_EXEC_GETMAC_CMD");
            if ($GetMacResult != "") {
                // First see if can explode out \n and or \r\n
                $ConnectionResults = explode("\n", $GetMacResult);
                // ONLY USe first connection;
                $ActiveConnectionFirst = $ConnectionResults[0];
                // Get Only MAC Address;
                $ConnectionInfo = explode(",", $ActiveConnectionFirst);
                // MAC ADDRESS TAKE OUT "
                $ActiveMacAddress = str_replace('"', '', $ConnectionInfo[0]);
                if ($ActiveMacAddress != "") {
                    $Result["STATUS"] = "OK";
                    $Result["MAC_ADDR"] = $ActiveMacAddress;
            } else {
                $Result["STATUS"] = "CANNOT_GET_MAC_ADDRESS";
        } else {
            $Result["STATUS"] = "NOTN_WIN_SYSTEM";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["CMD"]) && $_REQUEST["CMD"] == "GETMAC") {
        // First test read a fixed txt file
        $FixMacAddressFile = "./StationMacAddress.txt";
        $MacAddressFile = fopen($FixMacAddressFile, "r");
        if ($MacAddressFile) {
            $MacAddressFixed = rtrim(fread($MacAddressFile, filesize($FixMacAddressFile)));
            if (preg_match('/^(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{2}[\:]{1}){5}|(?:[0-9a-f]{2}[-]{1}){5}|(?:[0-9a-f]{2}){5})[0-9a-f]{2}$/i', $MacAddressFixed) == 1) {
                $Result["STATUS"] = "OK";
                $Result["MAC_ADDR"] = $MacAddressFixed;
            } else {
        } else {
    echo json_encode($Result);

    Copy from here and right click to paste in terminal

  4. Save the file  


    Press keyboard: Ctrl + X             >>>>>   enter : Y      >>>>>>>>>>> Press : Enter 

  5. Now chekc the MAC address for this computer first , and you can follow command 

    Code Block
    ip addr show

    Example: after command will show this:: (Green colour line is MAC Address of this computer)

  6. Select the mac address (select and mark is copy in ubuntu function): 08:00:27:ef:a5:70 
  7. Now create another file called "StationMacAddress.txt" and method same point 2 

    Code Block
    nano /var/www/html/StationMacAddress.txt

    a. Put in your mac address of the POS station as registered in MIN into the file (Example), make sure no "new line" after the mac address

    b. Right click the mouse for paste the MAc Address to StationMacAddress.txt

  8. Save and exist : 


    Press keyboard: Ctrl + X             >>>>>   enter : Y      >>>>>>>>>>> Press : Enter 

  9. Open the file "StationMacAddress.txt" with cat function (This step is double check the MAX A)
    Image RemovedSave this text file.Address)
    Image Added
  10. Change Apache access port and method like point 2

    Code Block
    nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf

    Image Added

    command # to disable original port 22 

    next add Listen 8888 in next line 

  11. Save and exist : 


    Press keyboard: Ctrl + X             >>>>>   enter : Y      >>>>>>>>>>> Press : Enter 

  12. Restart Apache service 

    Code Block
    service apache2 restart
  13. Save it and that all, you can "test" it by calling from browser: localhost:8888/getmac.php?CMD=GETMAC and should have the following screen.
