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From locationTo LocationAllowed
From Location Count in PA "No"From To Location Count in PA "No"yes
From Location Count in PA "yes"From To Location Count in PA "yes"yes
From Location Count in PA "No"From To Location Count in PA "yes"yes
From Location Count in PA "yes"From To Location Count in PA "No"No, not allowed, this action must always go through the stock request → stock distribution program


    7. Transfer Location send by the employee: By default, this will be the user who logged in. You can change the employee if the user is not the sender.

    8. Submit: Double  Double check before you submit.

    9. Print: Click this button to print the file and have it signed by the receiver.


  1. Go to "Stock Location transfer receive".
  2. Filter by: You can filter by Send Employee, From Stock Location, or To stock location.
  3. Enter the receive qty. Ehors will not allow you to receive more than the send qty.
  4. Transfer Location Receive by the employee: Search Search the name of the person who received the item.  You can also add remarks (optional) before you sbumitsubmit them.
  5. Click Submit when done