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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. It will open your directory root folder windows and should only have 1 file called "index.php".  

    Code Block
    cd /var/www/html/
  2. Command to generate the php file 

    Code Block
    nano /var/www/html/getmac.php
  3. Once you have the file open, copy the following code into the "getmac.php"

    Code Block
    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
    $Result = array("STATUS" => "", "MAC_ADDR" => "");
    function ReadMacAddressWinCommand()
        global $Result;
        if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
            $GetMacResult = exec('getmac /fo csv /nh | findstr /V /R /C:"disconnected"') or die("UNABLE_EXEC_GETMAC_CMD");
            if ($GetMacResult != "") {
                // First see if can explode out \n and or \r\n
                $ConnectionResults = explode("\n", $GetMacResult);
                // ONLY USe first connection;
                $ActiveConnectionFirst = $ConnectionResults[0];
                // Get Only MAC Address;
                $ConnectionInfo = explode(",", $ActiveConnectionFirst);
                // MAC ADDRESS TAKE OUT "
                $ActiveMacAddress = str_replace('"', '', $ConnectionInfo[0]);
                if ($ActiveMacAddress != "") {
                    $Result["STATUS"] = "OK";
                    $Result["MAC_ADDR"] = $ActiveMacAddress;
            } else {
                $Result["STATUS"] = "CANNOT_GET_MAC_ADDRESS";
        } else {
            $Result["STATUS"] = "NOTN_WIN_SYSTEM";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["CMD"]) && $_REQUEST["CMD"] == "GETMAC") {
        // First test read a fixed txt file
        $FixMacAddressFile = "./StationMacAddress.txt";
        $MacAddressFile = fopen($FixMacAddressFile, "r");
        if ($MacAddressFile) {
            $MacAddressFixed = rtrim(fread($MacAddressFile, filesize($FixMacAddressFile)));
            if (preg_match('/^(?:(?:[0-9a-f]{2}[\:]{1}){5}|(?:[0-9a-f]{2}[-]{1}){5}|(?:[0-9a-f]{2}){5})[0-9a-f]{2}$/i', $MacAddressFixed) == 1) {
                $Result["STATUS"] = "OK";
                $Result["MAC_ADDR"] = $MacAddressFixed;
            } else {
        } else {
    echo json_encode($Result);

    Copy from here and right click to paste in terminal

  4. Save the file  


    Press keyboard: Ctrl + X             >>>>>   enter : Y      >>>>>>>>>>> Press : Enter 

  5. Now chekc the MAC address for this computer first , and you can follow command 

    Code Block
    ip addr show

    Example: after command will show this:: (Green colour line is MAC Address of this computer)

  6. Select the mac address (select and mark is copy in ubuntu function): 08:00:27:ef:a5:70 
  7. Now create another file called "StationMacAddress.txt" and method same point 2 

    Code Block
    nano /var/www/html/StationMacAddress.txt

    a. Put in your mac address of the POS station as registered in MIN into the file (Example), make sure no "new line" after the mac address

    b. Right click the mouse for paste the MAc Address to StationMacAddress.txt

  8. Save and exist : 


    Press keyboard: Ctrl + X             >>>>>   enter : Y      >>>>>>>>>>> Press : Enter 

  9. Open the file "StationMacAddress.txt" with cat function (This step is double check the MAX Address)
  10. Change Apache access port and method like point 2

    Code Block
    nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf

    command # to disable original port 22 

    next add Listen 8888 in next line 

  11. Save and exist : 


    Press keyboard: Ctrl + X             >>>>>   enter : Y      >>>>>>>>>>> Press : Enter 

  12. Restart Apache service 

    Code Block
    service apache2 restart
  13. Save it and that all, you can "test" it by calling from browser: localhost:8888/getmac.php?CMD=GETMAC and should have the following screen.
  14. After completing the task on the computer, kindly provide the device's MAC address, purpose, associated properties, and the specific location within Eventum. This information will notify the development team for their next course of action.

  • For IT personnel test and checking, if the MAC address is correctly fetch by WINX system, you can find the "MACADDRESS" variable from browser debugger:


Double-check the following programs before using the POS terminals. You should see MIN & PTU details and the MAC Address

Refenrence Note:

View file
namestep for resggister MIN for POS - ubuntu.txt