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All payments made in the folio, GL, or POS using the payment method “Cheque” will appear in the cheque clearing account.  Before you can clear it, the cheque needs to be deposited to the bank first. When you bring the cheque to the bank you have to perform few steps in the AR Reconciliation program.

AR Reconciliation program – this is where you assign the cheque, which bank the cheque should go to. (This also creates a journal entry on your GL, debit bank, credit cheque clearing, and the date that will appear on your AR report will be 0000-00-00 until you perform the cheque clearing and the collection date will be shown).

Deposit Cheque Tab

  1. Select the Date you deposited the cheque. This is the date that will be used in the journal entry, always consider the number of days for the clearing. For example, you deposited the cheque on April 31, the cheque will only be cleared after two days or the next day. But the journal entry is already done on April 31. 
  2. Select which bank account you are going to deposit the cheque.
  3. Select the cheque that you want to deposit. You can also select the top box to select all the transactions. 
  4. Click "submit" when done.

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Deposit Cheques Journal Tab / Un Reconcile

This overview shows the cheques that have been deposited during the selected date range. As long as a cheque has not been reconciled through the cheque clearing (GL) can still be reversed in this program. When the cheque has been reconciled already the select box will not be visible. 

Select the transaction that you want to reverse (unreconciled). Click Submit when done.  When you unreconciled a cheque, the GL entry will also be reversed and the transaction will re appear on first tab (deposit cheque)

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