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General Purpose

Request Parameter


Variable Name


Variable Type




Parent Variable


Given this command with requested parameters are to confirm the ticket sales in EHORS. Require parameters are inclusive of the server checkpoint to ensure the amounts, folio and selected attractions/BDI are correct to be confirmed. Therefore if the total amount and or given selected attraction / BDI are not matched with a given reservation, it'll return a general error and the sales will consider voided.


Please do notice this command can only be executed once after the bank has confirmed the sales with payment and returns the information from payment gateway like approval code, bank transaction number, etc.

If bank/payment gateway returned error link in-sufficient funds or invalid card, you shall call the cancel sales command [ P_TKT_CancelSales ] Cancel Ticket Sales.

Request Parameter


Variable Name


Variable Type


Parent Variable

outletIDYesVarchar(255)ABC123-Approval code replied from the payment gateway to confirm this sale, this is the main references use in bank end accountingcardHolderNameOutlet ID to use for the ticket sales, this ID can be obtained from XML node of "#CONSTANTS@outletID" under [ G_ATT_Planboard ] Get Plan Board Availability or  [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price or [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details
reservationIDYesVarchar(255)ABC123-Credit/Debit cardholder name to confirm the sales, if payment gateway doesn't provide, can send the "#guestName" Reservation ID from [ P_TKT_NewSales ] Add New Ticket SalescardNumber, from XML node of "#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@reservationID" this is the main reference to confirm a sales
totalConfirmationYesNumDouble(1710.2)41111111111111111234.56-Credit/Debit card number, if the payment gateway doesn't provide, or you don't have a first layer to store, you may send in a dummy card number based on card type as the following a sample total amount of sales to be confirmed for this booking, inclusive of all taxes in gross
paymentAmountYesDouble(10.2)1234.56-The total amount of payment where guest pays for this sales through payment gateway or the total amount bank confirmed. This amount should be the same as total confirmation 
bankApprovalCodeYesVarchar(255)VISA/MasterCard0017821-Credit/Debit card type, sample are "VISA", "MasterCard", "Amex"cardCVCApproval code replied from the payment gateway to confirm this sale, this is the main references use in bank end accounting
cardHolderNameYesVarchar(4255)1234JOHN SMITH-Credit/Debit card CVC/CCV2 number and if the cardholder name to confirm the sales, if payment gateway doesn't provide or you don't have a layer before sending to the payment gateway, you can provide a dummy 3 to 4 digits codes like 000 or 0000
ccExpMonthYesVarchar(2)09-2 digits months format for the credit/debit card expiry month
ccExpYearYesVarchar(4)2025-Full 4 digits of year format for the credit/debit card expiry year
bankReferencecan send the "#guestName" from [ P_TKT_NewSales ] Add New Ticket Sales
cardNumberYesNum(17)4111111111111111-Credit/Debit card number, if the payment gateway doesn't provide, or you don't have a first layer to store, you may send in a dummy card number based on card type as the following a sample
cardTypeYesVarchar(255)ABC000012387812VISA/MasterCard-Payment gateway replied reference number, can be bank batch number or any additional reference of this sales transactionpaymentRemarksCredit/Debit card type, sample are "VISA", "MasterCard", "Amex"
cardCVCYesVarchar(2554)Online ticket sales ABC123-Text description of this sales can be simple remarks like "Online sales payments for ticket sales ABC123". Or details like "Online payment for ABC123, 2x attraction A for 2 pax" with maximum characters of 255bankTransactionNo1234-Credit/Debit card CVC/CCV2 number and if the payment gateway doesn't provide or you don't have a layer before sending to the payment gateway, you can provide a dummy 3 to 4 digits codes like 000 or 0000
ccExpMonthYesVarchar(2552)TUY7213821109-Payment gateway replied reference number for this sales transactionattractionCount2 digits months format for the credit/debit card expiry month
ccExpYearYesNumVarchar(94)12025-A number of attractions selected inclusive in the package selected and individual. Example if 1 guest folio selected 1 package with 3 attraction plus 2 individuals attractions is equal to 5 in this variable
guestFolioCountYesNum(9)3-Number of the guest folio which is after making [ P_TKT_NewSales ] Add New Ticket Sales under the XML node "#ATTRACTION_ITEMS"
packageID_{x0}NoFull 4 digits of year format for the credit/debit card expiry year
bankReferenceYesVarchar(255)ABC000012387812-Payment gateway replied reference number, can be bank batch number or any additional reference of this sales transaction
paymentRemarksYesVarchar(255)Online ticket sales ABC123attractionCount
Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "attractionCount"minus 1 (one). Selected attraction/BDI if its belonging to a package with package ID needed to be defined here, thus these variables can be blank if all selected attraction/BDI are an individual attraction.

If guest selected 1 package (ABC123) with 2 attractions and 2 individual attractions, total attractionCount = 4
attractionCount = 3
packageID_0 = "ABC123", packageID_1 = "ABC123", packageID_2 = "", packageID_3 = ""

paxCount-Text description of this sales can be simple remarks like "Online sales payments for ticket sales ABC123". Or details like "Online payment for ABC123, 2x attraction A for 2 pax" with maximum characters of 255
bankTransactionNoYesVarchar(255)TUY72138211-Payment gateway replied reference number for this sales transaction
attractionCountYesNum(9)1-A number of attractions selected inclusive in the package selected and individual. Example if 1 guest folio selected 1 package with 3 attraction plus 2 individuals attractions is equal to 5 in this variable
guestFolioCountYesNum(9)3-Number of the guest folio which is after making [ P_TKT_NewSales ] Add New Ticket Sales under the XML node "#ATTRACTION_ITEMS"
Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "attractionCount"minus 1 (one). A number of pax for selected Selected attraction/BDI , it'll be always the same if belonging to the same guest folio IDif its belonging to a package with package ID needed to be defined here, thus these variables can be blank if all selected attraction/BDI are an individual attraction.

If guest folio 1 have 1 individual attraction x2 pax and another guest folio have 1 package of 2 items with x3 paxselected 1 package (ABC123) with 2 attractions and 2 individual attractions, total attractionCount = 4
attractionCount = 3
paxCountpackageID_0 = "2ABC123", paxCountpackageID_1 = "3ABC123", paxCountpackageID_2 = "", packageID_3 = "3"

Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "attractionCount"minus 1 (one). This is the A number of pax for selected attraction/BDI ID, please noted this is NOT the session of the attraction where it is the attraction/BDI ID itself. So if the package has the same attraction/BDI ID you'll need to define 2x follow by the selected from package to individualit'll be always the same if belonging to the same guest folio ID.

If guest folio 1 have 1 individual attraction "A" and x2 pax and another guest folio have 1 package with attraction "A" and "B", guest folio 2 have individual attraction "C"of 2 items with x3 pax
attractionCount = 43
attractionIDpaxCount_0 = "ABC0012", attractionIDpaxCount_1 = "ABC0023", attractionpaxCount_2 = "ABC0013", attraction_3 = "ABC003"


Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "attractionCount"minus 1 (one). This is the guest folio ID if the number of pax combination of attractions and or package is different, the guest folio ID are returned after the [ P_TKT_NewSales ] Add New Ticket Sales for given selected individual attraction and or package with a combination of paxselected attraction/BDI ID, please noted this is NOT the session of the attraction where it is the attraction/BDI ID itself. So if the package has the same attraction/BDI ID you'll need to define 2x follow by the selected from package to individual

If guest folio 1 have 1 individual attraction "A" and 1 package with attraction "A" and "B", guest folio 2 have individual attraction "C"
attractionCount = 4
guestFolioIDattractionID_0 = "ABC001", guestFolioIDattractionID_1 = "ABC001ABC002", guestFolioIDattraction_2 = "ABC001", guestFolioIDattraction_3 = "ABC002ABC003"

Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "attractionCount"minus 1 (one). The price per attraction / BDIID to compare what has been booked and to be confirmed. The price MUST be for each individual selected attraction/BDI either from individual or package. Number format MUST be defined with rounding 2 decimal and WITHOUT thousand separator. Item price of an individual is with XML node "#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@itemPrice" from command [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price and for package' attraction price are with XML node "#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@itemPrice_1" from command [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package DetailsThis is the guest folio ID if the number of pax combination of attractions and or package is different, the guest folio ID are returned after the [ P_TKT_NewSales ] Add New Ticket Sales for given selected individual attraction and or package with a combination of pax


If guest folio 1 has 3 have 1 individual attraction , guest folio 2 have "A" and 1 package with 3 attraction "A" and "B", guest folio 3 2 have 1 individual attraction "C"
attractionCount attractionCount = 74
itemPriceguestFolioID_0 = "250.00ABC001",  itemPriceguestFolioID_1 = "1250.00ABC001",  itemPriceguestFolioID_2 = "500.00ABC001",  itemPriceguestFolioID_3 = "50.00", itemPrice_4 = "20.00",itemPrice_5 = "250.00", itemPrice_6 = "50.00"



Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "attractionCount" minus 1 (one). The temporary wristband number/ticket ID is to map with the guest folio for the selected attraction / BDI. It an price per attraction / BDIID to compare what has been booked and to be confirmed. The price MUST be for each individual selected attraction/BDI either from individual or package. Number format MUST be defined with rounding 2 decimal and WITHOUT thousand separator. Item price of an individual is with XML node "#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@tempWristbandNoITEMS@itemPrice" returned from command [ PG_TKTIND_NewSales ] Add New Ticket Sales. Each call to add sales belong to the same reservation ID to confirm from payment gateway are generated a temporary wristband number/ticket ID alongside with a guest folio to "group" the selected individual and or package of attraction(s)Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price and for package' attraction price are with XML node "#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@itemPrice_1" from command [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details

If guest folio 1 have 1 has 3 individual attraction "A" and , guest folio 2 have 1 package with 3 attraction "A" and "B", guest folio 2 3 have 1 individual attraction "C"
attractionCount attractionCount = 47
BDI_tempWbn_0 = "605434177_52425a43", BDI_tempWbn_1 = "605434177_52425a43", BDI_tempWbn_2 = "605434177_52425a43", BDI_tempWbn_3 = "85546224_66as37h2"


itemPrice_0 = "250.00", itemPrice_1 = "1250.00", itemPrice_2 = "500.00", itemPrice_3 = "50.00", itemPrice_4 = "20.00",itemPrice_5 = "250.00", itemPrice_6 = "50.00"

Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "guestFolioCountattractionCount"minus 1 (one). Guest folio separates the group of The temporary wristband number/ticket ID is to map with the guest folio for the selected attraction / BDI ID. Take for example if the guest have 2 different groups of selection, first folio is package with 2 attractions for 1 pax and another group is individual attractions for 4 pax.Example. It an XML node "#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@tempWristbandNo" returned from command [ P_TKT_NewSales ] Add New Ticket Sales. Each call to add sales belong to the same reservation ID to confirm from payment gateway are generated a temporary wristband number/ticket ID alongside with a guest folio to "group" the selected individual and or package of attraction(s)

If guest folio 1 have 1 individual attraction "A" and 1 package with attraction "A" and "B", guest folio 2 have individual attraction "C"
guestFolioCount attractionCount = 24
guestFolioIDBDI_tempWbn_0 = "ABC123605434177_52425a43", guestFolioIDBDI_tempWbn_1 = "ABC124"

Sample Request with JS




"605434177_52425a43", BDI_tempWbn_2 = "605434177_52425a43", BDI_tempWbn_3 = "85546224_66as37h2"

Max until (x0)

Counting from 1 until the maximum of "guestFolioCount". Guest folio separates the group of selected attraction / BDI ID. Take for example if the guest has 2 different groups of selection, the first folio is package with 2 attractions for 1 pax and another group is individual attractions for 4 pax.

If guest folio 1 have 1 individual attraction "A" and 1 package with attraction "A" and "B", guest folio 2 have individual attraction "C"
guestFolioCount = 2
guestFolioID_1 = "ABC123", guestFolioID_2 = "ABC124"

Sample Request with JS

Code Block

			cardHolderName:'John Smith', 
			paymentRemarks:'Online Payment', 


Code Block
curl -v -d "accessID=ABC123&accessKey=EFG56788&moduleCode=TicketSales&command=P_TKT_ConfirmSales&BDI_guestFolioID_0=LCX94&BDI_guestFolioID_1=LCX94&BDI_guestFolioID_2=LCX94&BDI_guestFolioID_3=LCX94&BDI_guestFolioID_4=LCX94&BDI_tempWbn_0=605434177_3836700b&BDI_tempWbn_1=605434177_3836700b&BDI_tempWbn_2=605434177_3836700b&BDI_tempWbn_3=605434177_3836700b&BDI_tempWbn_4=605434177_3836700b&attractionCount=5&guestFolioCount=1&paymentAmount=800&bankApprovalCode=41178&paxCount_0=1&paxCount_1=1&paxCount_2=1&paxCount_3=1&paxCount_4=1&attractionID_0=LCB1&attractionID_1=LCA4&attractionID_2=LCB4&attractionID_3=LCA5&attractionID_4=LCA6&cardHolderName=John Smith&cardNumber=4111111111111111&cardType=VISA&cardCVC=411&totalConfirmation=800&guestFolioID_1=LCX94&itemPrice_0=220.00&itemPrice_1=250.00&itemPrice_2=65.00&itemPrice_3=250.00&itemPrice_4=15.00&ccExpMonth=09&outletID=LCA7&packageID_0=LCA1&packageID_1=LCA1&packageID_2=LCA1&packageID_3=LCA1&packageID_4=LCA1&bankReference=00ASTT8182321&paymentRemarks=Online Payment&reservationID=LCX76&bankTransactionNo=411560002245&ccExpYear=2029" -X POST https://api.ehors.comRespond XML Sample

Respond Success XML Sample - Single package booking for 1 pax = 1 ticket number

Code Block
titleSuccess Message
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<ATTRACTION_ITEMS foInvoiceID="LCZ56" foInvoicePaymentID="LCZ21" revenuePropertyID="2" posGuestDummyID="LCZ29" outletID="LCA7" reservationID="LCZ38"/>
		<TICKET_NODE guestFolioID="LCZ57" mainTicketNo="PBE00014XXXXX" totalNoPax="1">
			<TICKET_INFO_NODE ticketQRNumber="PBE0001400001" generatedDate="2019-09-12">
					<BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="01:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:59 PM" attractionName="SERVICE CHARGE"/>
					<BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="01:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:59 PM" attractionName="PHOTOGRAPHY"/>
					<BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="01:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:59 PM" attractionName="MARINE CONSERVATION"/>
					<BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="01:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:59 PM" attractionName="E-LEARNING RESOURCES"/>
					<BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="01:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:59 PM" attractionName="ADMISSION"/>

Respond Success XML Sample - Individual attraction tickets for 5 pax = 5 ticket number

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS foInvoiceID="LCZ61" foInvoicePaymentID="LCZ25" revenuePropertyID="2" posGuestDummyID="LCZ34" outletID="LCA7" reservationID="LCZ44"/>
    <TICKET_NODE guestFolioID="LCZ63" mainTicketNo="PBE00018XXXXX" totalNoPax="5">
      <TICKET_INFO_NODE ticketQRNumber="PBE0001800001" generatedDate="2019-09-12">
        <TICKET_DETAIL_NODE detailMode="EXTRA">
          <BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="11:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:45 AM" attractionName="SEATREK"/>
      <TICKET_INFO_NODE ticketQRNumber="PBE0001800002" generatedDate="2019-09-12">
        <TICKET_DETAIL_NODE detailMode="EXTRA">
          <BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="11:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:45 AM" attractionName="SEATREK"/>
      <TICKET_INFO_NODE ticketQRNumber="PBE0001800003" generatedDate="2019-09-12">
        <TICKET_DETAIL_NODE detailMode="EXTRA">
          <BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="11:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:45 AM" attractionName="SEATREK"/>
      <TICKET_INFO_NODE ticketQRNumber="PBE0001800004" generatedDate="2019-09-12">
        <TICKET_DETAIL_NODE detailMode="EXTRA">
          <BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="11:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:45 AM" attractionName="SEATREK"/>
      <TICKET_INFO_NODE ticketQRNumber="PBE0001800005" generatedDate="2019-09-12">
        <TICKET_DETAIL_NODE detailMode="EXTRA">
          <BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="11:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:45 AM" attractionName="SEATREK"/>
      <TICKET_INFO_NODE ticketQRNumber="PBE0001800006" generatedDate="2019-09-12">
        <TICKET_DETAIL_NODE detailMode="EXTRA">
          <BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="11:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:45 AM" attractionName="SEATREK"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

XML Node Explain


      <TICKET_INFO_NODE ticketQRNumber="PBE0001800003" generatedDate="2019-09-12">
        <TICKET_DETAIL_NODE detailMode="EXTRA">
          <BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="11:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:45 AM" attractionName="SEATREK"/>
      <TICKET_INFO_NODE ticketQRNumber="PBE0001800004" generatedDate="2019-09-12">
        <TICKET_DETAIL_NODE detailMode="EXTRA">
          <BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="11:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:45 AM" attractionName="SEATREK"/>
      <TICKET_INFO_NODE ticketQRNumber="PBE0001800005" generatedDate="2019-09-12">
        <TICKET_DETAIL_NODE detailMode="EXTRA">
          <BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="11:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:45 AM" attractionName="SEATREK"/>
      <TICKET_INFO_NODE ticketQRNumber="PBE0001800006" generatedDate="2019-09-12">
        <TICKET_DETAIL_NODE detailMode="EXTRA">
          <BDI_SESSION_NODE sessionFrom="11:00 AM" sessionUntil="11:45 AM" attractionName="SEATREK"/>

Respond Failed XML Sample - Duplicate transactions

Code Block

System Lag Triggered double Posting of Revenue 

 Transaction Has been halted... Please Restart Transaction

2019-09-13 09:23:30 << SCRIPT SESSION CLOSE

XML Node Explain

#ATTRACTION_ITEMSHighThis will only be a single node with child attribute of the sales reservation details like invoice number, receipt number from Ehors to indicated this booking are confirmed and revenue booked correctly when you have this node.
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@foInvoiceIDHighThe invoice number from Ehors which later for the guest as one of the reference number to check his/her sales booking from Ehors when he is physically check-in 
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@foInvoicePaymentIDLowPayments details ID from Ehors to check if the payment sub-ledger are in Ehors or not
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@revenuePropertyIDLowEHORS is an ERP system whereas each and every module follows the same hierarchy and system flow, therefore certain fields do not require a further explanation and are just needed to support to flow of EHORS. Can be ignored.
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@posGuestDummyIDHighThis serves as official receipt number from Ehors which guest can request a reprint of the official receipt number from Ehors
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@outletIDLowEHORS is an ERP system whereas each and every module follows the same hierarchy and system flow, therefore certain fields do not require a further explanation and are just needed to support to flow of EHORS. Can be ignored.
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@reservationIDHighUnique ID from EHORS system when the booking is in system. This to confirm from your given parameter are matched
#TICKET_NODEHighNumber of nodes indicated how many guest folio or combinations of sales, example if 1 folio is booked with package for 2 pax and another folio booked with an individual for 3 pax, this node will appear 2x with 2 different guest folio ID
#TICKET_NODE@guestFolioIDLowUnique ID generated from Ehors from previous command [ P_TKT_NewSales ] Add New Ticket Sales, if the guest folio are confirmed correctly in the system this should matched the parameters guestFolioID_{x0} send to API
#TICKET_NODE@mainTicketNoHighMain ticket number from Ehors, last 5 digits (xxxxx) from the number will be the total number of guest for this guest folio combination. First 8 characters are uniquely generated from Ehors for each guest folio
#TICKET_NODE@totalNoPaxHighA number of pax for this folio is a multiplier for each combinations sales of package and or attraction on the following node. Example if 1 package with additional individual attraction for 2 pax. It'll have 2x following sub child node
#TICKET_NODE#TICKET_INFO_NODEHighSub child node from #TICKET_NODE is for each single tickets of the sales. if 4 pax from the combination package and or attraction on the single guest folio this will be 4 tickets generated
#TICKET_NODE#TICKET_INFO_NODE@ticketQRNumberHighUnique ticket number for guest to be used in physical property check-in and utilize the attraction and or package. This should be generated in standard QR format with the given serial for each ticket so your guest can use in the property.
#TICKET_NODE#TICKET_INFO_NODE@generatedDateLowDate of the QR ticket number generated
#TICKET_NODE#TICKET_INFO_NODE#TICKET_DETAIL_NODEHighThis node details for the ticket, so it'll indicate the breakdown and what are inclusive in this ticket, can have 1 or 2 only for this child node. Either a single package or "extra" or package + extra, a total maximum of this child node is only 2 and minimum 1
#TICKET_NODE#TICKET_INFO_NODE#TICKET_DETAIL_NODE@detailModeHighType of the breakdown details, ether a "PACKAGE:(PACKAGE_NAME)" = package in combinations of attractions / BDI or "EXTRA" = Individual attraction
#TICKET_NODE#TICKET_INFO_NODE#TICKET_DETAIL_NODE#BDI_SESSION_NODEHighSessions node are the actual attraction, either in a combination of packages and or selected individual attraction, minimum one node from parent node #TICKET_DETAIL_NODE. Attributes of this node are the details for the attraction' session.
#TICKET_NODE#TICKET_INFO_NODE#TICKET_DETAIL_NODE#BDI_SESSION_NODE@sessionFromHighThe session's valid from time. Refer to node #PLANBOARD_ITEMS@startTime from [ G_ATT_Planboard ] Get Plan Board Availability
#TICKET_NODE#TICKET_INFO_NODE#TICKET_DETAIL_NODE#BDI_SESSION_NODE@sessionUntilHighThe session's valid until time. Refer to node #PLANBOARD_ITEMS@endTime from [ G_ATT_Planboard ] Get Plan Board Availability
#TICKET_NODE#TICKET_INFO_NODE#TICKET_DETAIL_NODE#BDI_SESSION_NODE@attractionNameHighSession name created from Ehors for the attraction