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Lump Charges is a function that allows Front Office to lump any charges (excl payments) into a "single charge"
This happens e.g. when a guest finishes all F&B - Spa etc charges under the name "Entertainment".
All charges remain individual charges. It is possible to add charges into an existing "lump". This is purely presentation only.
Charges of any guestType folio can be lumped with the exception of the guestType Super (M folio). 

Lumping an item can only be done if the status of the Folio is still reserved or in house.You can always cancel the item that has been lumped already and you can always click the show button to see thecontent of it-house or checked-out and the folio is still open.

How to Lump an Invoice item(s)

  1. Go to Front office>Reservation>Manage Reservation.
  2. Set the basic search criteria, then click search, or search by reservationID then click enter.
  3. Select the folio and click the button at the top right corner "continue with selected reservation at the top right corner""
  4. Go to Accounting Function Tab and click "lump charges"

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       5. Guest Folio list:  Select the folio by clicking the dropdown, or you can also type in the guest name.

       6. Item Description: Enter the new description for the item(s) that will be lumped.

       7. Date: Select the date, this will be the date that will be displayed on the invoice.

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       8. Select the charges (invoice items) that you want to lump.

       9. Click the button + Add lump.

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This is what it looks like after lumping the charges.

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The lump function is also available during checkout. Click the button "Lump". 

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Remove & Edit Lump

To Edit 

  1. Tick the box that you want to edit, you can untick existing lumps or add a new item.
  2. Give it a new item description.
  3. Then click "edit lump".

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To Remove

  1. Tick the box that you want to remove, then click "remove lump".

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