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Explanation of each Setting

If a key card system is integrated with E-Hors, this setting must be 'yes' same printer, if different printers are used, the setting should be 'no'If yes, tickets created in properties belonging to the same group, can be knocked off at the entrance of each property. This allows selling of tickets in multiple properties without the need for redemption counters..Active signature pad if amount is greater than the one set hereScheduled - Ticket sales uses STRICT PLANBOARD POLICY
Open - Ticket Sales uses ONE TIME USE POLICY onlyYes - Price in PO will be based in item supplier management
No - Price in PO will be based on latest PO item price
Admin & System
Setting NameDescriptionRequire Key Card
DRR follows FYif yes the DRR will follow the settings of the FY
Email  HKthis email address will be used for system-generated email for housekeeping
Email EOthis email address will be used for system-generated email for Executive Office
Email FBthis email address will be used for system-generated email for F&B
Email FOthis email address will be used for system-generated email for the front office
Email Maintenancethis email address will be used for system-generated email for maintenance
fyDateSelect the last day of the fiscal year
NAS Address

This creates the link to the router. This link is needed for the WiFi access management

No of extra mattressThis is the number of extra mattresses in the property and is used to assign/book extra beds and control their inventory
Number of Extra BedThis is the number of extra bed in the property and is used to assign/book extra beds and control their inventory
Require Key CardRequire Key Card
System Localization CodeCode that uses for globalization on system presentation like dates, currencies. Available codes can be found on KendoUI\js\cultures
Ticket sales, cross property knock offTicket Sales, cross-property knock off
Ticket sales, directly print QR ticketsIf yes, it should print QR tickets directly after the receipt with Ticket sales, knock off cross propertythe same printer
Ticket sales, receipt printing methodTicket sales print receipt method, either with USB connected printer (localhost) or LAN method.
Ticket sales, tickets printing methodTickets sales print ticket method, either with wristband printer (localhost method) or QR code tickets with thermal printer metho
TWFTwo Way factor or authentication
Setting NameDescription
Fiscal Year Date

Sets the last date of the Fiscal Year. Many reports are affected by this setting; P&L reports, Balance Sheet, Daily Revenue Report, Journal Reports due to virtual account resetting as well as other reports that start with the first month of the Fiscal Year.

Purchase Payment Term

This is the default number of days that the property will pay invoices. Per invoice a different date can be set.

Revenue Correction DateIf 'actual', E-Hors will allow revenue corrections on the actual date. Please take note that if this is set and correction in the past are made, reports like DRR will have new data. Common practice (not stating best practice) is the status 'today'.
High Balance

This is the amount that sets the perimeter for the High Balance Report. If 0.00 all folios will be printed

Require Deposits for Misc. ChargesIf 'yes', a folio must have a deposit (either pre-authorization or cash usually) booked in the folio. If 'no' folios will be barred from charge to room. If yes, folios can charge to the room. 
Allow Accrual Accounting

Allows you to enable Accrual Accounting which will allow your system to record noncash transactions to your ledgers.

AP Payment 1 Approval

The maximum amount for which only 1 approval is needed during AP payment 

Example: Amount Set is 100,000 this means that any payments of 1 up to 100k only need 1 approval.

AP Payment 2 Approval

The maximum amount for which 2 approvals are needed during AP payment 

Example: Amount Set is 1,000,000 this means that any payments between 100,001 to 1M, need 2 approvals. Any amount after 1M requires 3rd approval.

AP Payment by Batch active

This setting decides if payment by batch file is implemented

AP Payment by Batch fileThis setting is used to make payments by offline batch file, to be uploaded/send to the bank, in the program AP PAYMENT PROCESSING in the AP module
AP Payment by Cash

This setting is used to make payments by cash in the program AP PAYMENT PROCESSING in the AP module

AP Payment by Cheque

this setting is used to make payments by cheque in the program AP PAYMENT PROCESSING in the AP module

AP Payment by Internet active

This setting decides if payment by internet is implemented

AP Payment by Internet Banking

This setting is used to make payments by Internet banking in the program AP PAYMENT PROCESSING in the AP module

AP Payment ContraThis setting allows to select an account and settle the payment through a contra account
Authorize PaymentThe selected approval levels will be followed on finalizing supplier payments.   *Note 34 means levels 3 and 4 and 35 are level 3 and 5.
Correction Revenue Date

Sets the correction revenue date of a corrected entry to either the actual date the entry was made or to the current day the entry is corrected

Deposit Received With VATDetermines if the property will have VAT on deposit or not.

The level a cashier of FO executive needs to be able to give discount other than PWD and SR and system-generated discounts. 

ENT Exclude SCIf enabled (yes), the ENT bill will also remove SC from the invoice
FIT Confirmed DepositInitial deposit for FIT Confirmed Reservations
GIT Guarantee DepositThe minimum deposit for Git Guarantee Reservations.
Go2Bu registrationThis setting contains the path to the web site/page where a subscriber can register
High BalanceAmount balance limit before reports considers guest credit to be high and should be notified to.
KISamountActive signature pad mandatory if the amount is greater than the one set here.
Manage Payment AmountAuto calculates balance to be paid
Oc Ent BookedThis setting decides if OC and Ent bills are booked in accounts and charged out or no journal at all
OC Exclude SurchargeIf enabled (yes), the OC bill will also remove SC from the invoice
Person With Disability Discount VAT ExemptionPerson With Disability Discount VAT Exemption
Pre-Authorization Expiry

Number of days Pre-Authorization on a through Debit Card and Credit Card expires.

Check VAT

Require VAT Number validation before adding and updating suppliers. This a setting depending on the laws of a country

Show Tax in DRR

If yes, the sales taxes and service charges if applicable will be shown in the DRR.

Manage Payment Amount

If yes, E-Hors will pre load the balance of the invoice in the column "Payment" in Manage Payment Program, else the amount will remain 0.00 and needs to be entered manually.

Deposit Received With VATIf yes, deposits will be cleared from VAT
Senior Discount PercentThe value here will be used in all sales related programs: Retail, Ticketing, F&B, Spa, FO
Senior Discount VAT Exemption

Yes- Vat will be taken out

No - Vat will be calculated

Person With Disability Discount PercentThe value here will be used in POS and Ticket Sales program
Person With Disability Discount VAT Exemption

Yes- Vat will be taken out

No - Vat will be calculate

Tourism Tax

When this change to Y from moment after changed, all room reservation will start to add in tourism tax' BDI created and linked to related accommodation.

When its changed to N, it'll not charge any more.

  •  Create BDI "Tourism Tax".
  • Create tax service code TTX with 0% and/or 0 amount.
  • Link BDI to proper revenues, recipe, account.
  •  Link BDI created to related accommodation, can be different. E.g. Acc A and B on "3 star TTX" with amount 5 per day per room while Acc C, D and E have "4 star TTX" with amount of 20 per day per room.
  • BDI setting MUST set to "Tax Item" = 'Y', calculations on price is irrelevant to tax amount from tax code.
  • "Revenue" will be book and invoice will show as "outlet charges".
  • GL will book on BDI linked "recipe type"' revenue account.
KIS Payment Gateway

Enable KIS Payment Integration

  • Currently used in South Korea
KIS Signature Required AmountPu AverageEnter the number of months you wish to use for the calculation of the average price
Pu Charge OutThe basis on which goods are charged to different departments
Purchase Payment TermThe number of days a supplier invoice will due from the date it is purchased.
PWDDoes PWD discount apply
PWD Discountpercentage of PWD discount
Require DepositsIf yes it is needed to have a deposit to be able to change a tentative booking to confirmed
Revenue Correction DateSets the correction revenue date of a corrected entry to either the actual date the entry was made or to the current day the entry is corrected
Show Purchase VATShow Purchased item VAT values
Show Tax in DRRShows the tax on the transactions on the DRR Reports. 
SRDoes Senior Discount apply
SR Discountpercentage discount for Senior Citizens
SR VAT ExemptionSenior Discount VAT Exemption
Staff Discount ApprovalIf the setting is yes a second staff member must approve the staff discount, meaning the cashier and buyer are 2 different employees
Ticket Sales RevenueThis setting decides if the ticket sales are recognized upon money collection or usage. If upon money collection, each collected amount will be recognized. Important to have 1 account ticket sales in that case. Yes means recognition on money collection. 
Un-Bar Call Charge DepositMinimum deposit to Unbar Call charges.
Zero JournalIf yes E-Hors will create a journal in GL for zero value transactions like complimentary charges.
Food & Beverage
Setting NameDescription
Log Out After Finished Order

Logs out the user from the POS after finishing an order.

Affected Programs

  • POS Program
Five Cents Rounding

Determines if the total due in the POS should be rounded to the nearest five cents or not.

It's different per country.

round toIf rounding = yes, enter the value to which the rounding should be.
Front Office
Setting NameDescription
Allow Vacant Dirty Check-In

Allows guest check in on Vacant Dirty Rooms.

Affected Programs

  • Check In
Days Vacant Clean

The number of days a non-occupied room remains VC. If the value is 3, after 3 nights VC will change to VD.

Pre-Assign Room

Assigns rooms during reservations and manages re-assignment when an assigned room becomes out of order.

Channel ManagerYes - Hotel uses Channel Manager
Channel Manager Room allocation Methodby common pool inventory (cpl) , by OTA wise (OTA)
Reservation Room Sequence

Sets the sequence of room assignment during the pre-assign process.

Affected Programs

  •  Room Assign
Max Internet Room Booking

Maximum number of rooms that can be booked through internet reservation.

Affected Programs

  • Needs Research
Walk In Cut Off

Cut off time for the system to accept walk-in transactions.

This is the time that a walk in guest becomes early check in. Until the cut off time, the DCI will still be the day before.

Auto OOO Release

Auto sets OOO Blocking during maintenance (Not sure needs to check).

Affected Programs

  • OOO Blocking
DRR Book YearImplements Fiscal year as the starting date on the Daily Revenue Reports
Show Transfer Charges Information on InvoiceYes - We show the transfer of charges from one folio to the other, else we don't show.
Rounding AdjustmentYes - In FO the system will show Rounding Adjustment for each folio
Show Previous Guest on Cleaning List

Show the Last Guest that checked in on the Vacant Dirty Rooms.

Affected Programs

 Cleaning List
Bar - Unbar

This setting decides on the default value of Bar and Unbar. This affects the check-in program. Unbar allows the guest to charge services to the room.

if the setting is bar/unbar ='bar', ehors will check the next setting for (deposit amount for unbar, & deposit unbar). If the setting is bar/unbar ='unbar' the other settings are irrelevant.

Check-In VCI

If yes E-Hors allows to check-in into a room with the status VCI

Check-In VDIf yes E-Hors will allow to check-in into a VD room
Default time check-inThe default time that a guest can check-in
Default time check outThe latest time a guest is supposed to check out
Deposit amount for UnbarThis deposit is the amount required to unbar charge to the room and to check in a room.
Deposit unbarThis setting decides if a deposit is required to unbar charge to the room. If the setting is "Yes", a deposit of the required amount and the total amount of the reservation must be done first before you can proceed with a check-in.
FIT / GITThe number of rooms to decide if a reservation is a FIT or GIT reservation
Release  OOO / OOSIf the status is yes, the room will be released automatically on the date the maintenance is planned to be finished. If the status is no the release must be done manually.
Room Automation AirconIf yes it means that an API between the aircon system and E-Hors has been activated
Room Automation CurtainsIf yes the curtains can be controlled from E-Hors and mobile apps. Take note that many energy savings functions might be available in certain management.
Room Automation DNDIf yes Do Not Disturb has an API activated
Room Automation LightningIf yes an API to manage the lightning has been activated. This also means that the guest gas to download an app
Room Automation TV ChannelIf yes it means the TV system is integrated into the E-Hors smart TV system and the guest can set his favorite channel in his profile. If the TV switches on, his channel will come up
Upgrade / Downgrade ApprovalThis setting defines the level needed to be able to make a room upgrade/downgrade.
Setting NameDescription
Go2Bu System AvailableThis setting activates the Go2Bu system, which is a unique extension of E-Hors
Point Of Sales
Setting NameDescription
Registration Required TicketingThis setting decides if POS Ticketing requires a guest name, email address, and phone number.
Registration Required SpaThis setting decides if POS Spa requires a guest name, email address, and phone number.
Void Check OR NewThis setting decides if a void check sets the old invoice to active 'n' or creates a new negative invoice for the void. If yes is selected E-Hors will create a new invoice, default is no.
FO Retail Sales Setting Tax This setting decides the tax and service charge calculation for the program FO Retail Sales
FO Retail Sales Setting Service ChargeThis setting decides the service charge calculation for the program FO Retail Sales
OrderCancelTimeThis is the number of minutes an item can be canceled without order cancel level authorization
billCancelLevelThe minimum position level an employee must have to be able to cancel a bill
orderCancelNoPeopleThe number of people to approve an order cancellation. Meaning if this number is 2, and the level is 3, the cancellation must always be approved by 2 people of which at least 1 is level 3.
billCancelNoPeopleThe number of people to cancel a bill of which at least 1 person is as per billCancelLevel
orderCancelLevelThe minimum position level an employee must have to be able to cancel an order
SessionMandatoryThis setting decides if a selection of a session is mandatory during ticket sales. If no session has been selected the attraction cannot be knocked off and needs to be scheduled if the attraction has the status plan board yes.
OC Which level can close can bill on OC?
ENT Which level can close can bill on ENT?
EL Which level can close can bill on EL?
Retail Negative Qty Are negative quantities allowed to book returns?
Level Retail Negative QtyWhich level can enter negative quantities in the POS Retail
PhotoboothDoes the retail POS have the photobooth feature?
Guest Service and Tracking
Setting NameDescription
Agency Concurrent UsersThe number of concurrent users for 1 Agency
Agency Downloadthe wifi download speed for agencies
Agency Uploadthe wifi upload speed for agencies
Banquet Downloadthe wifi download speed for in banquet guests
Banquet Uploadthe wifi upload speed for banquet guests
Guest Concurrent UsersThe number of concurrent users for a room
Guest Downloadthe wifi download speed for in house guests
Guest Uploadthe wifi upload speed for inhouse guests
Management Concurrent UsersThe number of concurrent users for staff with the status HOD
Management DownloadDownload bandwidth for management
Management UploadUpload bandwidth for management
Staff Concurrent UsersThe number of concurrent users for staff not being HOD
Staff DownloadDownload bandwidth for staff
Inventory Management
Setting NameDescription
Contract PriceYes - Price in PO will be based on item supplier management
No - Price in PO will be based on the latest PO item price
Cost PriceDefines the calculation method related to the cost price of a recipe. This is used for theoretical costing in reports and the program Recipe.
Order Authorization - Stock RequestYes - becomes RED and not editable in SR after rejected in OA (order Authorization)
No - editable again in SR after rejected in OA
Setting NameDescription
Item Approval 1The maximum amount an item requires a single approval 
Item approval 2The maximum amount an item requires a double approval 
OA - SR Yes - becomes RED and not editable in SR after rejected in OA No - becomes Orange, count in PA no, and is editable again in SR after rejected in OA
PO approval 1The maximum amount a PO requires a single approval 
PO approval 2The maximum amount a PO requires double approval 
PoApprovalThis setting decides if the profiles apply to PO or Item or both
Sales & Marketing
Setting NameDescription
Tentative DaysSets the default number of days the reservation will be canceled if tentative. This value is counted from the date of reservation.
Tentative Max

Max can overwrite the default value during the reservation, however, Max cannot exceed the value set here. This value is counted from counted from the date of reservation.

Tentative Min

Minimum days a reservation could be considered as a Tentative Reservation, the value is counted from the date check-in.

Venue Structure

Sets  Sets your properties property's venue type.

Venue Half Day

Sets the number of hours a Half day is equivalent to.

Venue Full Day

Sets the number of hours a Full day is equivalent to.

Enable Loyalty Program

Enables the Loyalty Discounts and and Promo's to members

Ticket Sales Mode
Tentative To ConfirmThis is the default percentage to change the status of a reservation from tentative to confirmed based on the amount received
Tentative Notification Email

Tentative Notification Email (Friendly reminder letter)

All - Every Sales = true employee

HOD+Relevant = All HOD and employee-related to the reservation

Relevant = Employee whom who created and/or edited the reservation

Creator Only = Employee whom who made the reservation

None = System will not give notification before Yellow/Orange/Red

Tentative Warning Email

Tentative Warning Email (Yellow/Orange/Red)

Yellow: 2 days before reservation is released from tentative.

Orange: Last day / last chance to confirm the booking.

Red: Too late, reservation released.

All - Every Sales = true employee

HOD+Relevant = All HOD and employee-related to the reservation

Relevant = Employee whom who created and/or edited the reservation

Creator Only = Employee whom who made the reservation

Inventory Management
Setting NameDescription
Order Authorization - Stock RequestYes - becomes RED and not editable in SR after rejected in OA (order Authorization)
No - editable again in SR after rejected in OA
Contract PriceRate Code Approval RequiredThis setting decides from for which level approval is needed e.g. if level 3 is set, 1 and 2 need approval 3 and higher do not need approval
CRM Sub DomainThe path for the subdomain for the web page of the CRM Registration and Questionnaires
Site Minder Access CodeThis is the setting for SiteMinder integration. If the value is "NA" related features in the Rate code program and Partner program with regards to mapping will not appear. This setup is required only in the beginning. Siteminder must have this code to enable the integration between Ehors and SiteMinder. Each Property has one unique code. Click here for more details.
Theme Park
Setting NameDescription
Turnstile Knock AllThis setting decides if a QR code has multiple attractions for the same turnstile and the same time range if all should be knock off or 1 by 1. Knocking off 1 by 1 results in multiple entries.