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RECIPE – is a collection of one or more items. Recipe A recipe can also be compared with a bill of materials (BOM). The basic of the recipe is the item. Before adding a new recipe, search first if the recipe that you want to add already exists.

A recipe can be a sub-recipe.   The definition of a sub-recipe is an existing recipe that is used within a recipe and for which the quantity can be different than 1. 

An item has a calculation measurement (CM), this measurement is a part of the calculation. As well as a purchase measurement (PM), also this counts in the calculation and a stock measurement. 


 1.  Recipe Type: Select the Recipe Type where the recipe belongs, and click the button "Add new record". You can also just click the "add new record " button directly without selecting the recipe type. 

           Wrong selection  The wrong selection of recipe type will lead to the wrong classification of revenue


5. If the Recipe Type is pre-selected, just double-check if the selected recipe type is correct. 


8. Recipe Item Needed: By Default is "yes". If No, Ehors will allow you to submit without having to add the item(s). Meaning, you can skip Step Steps 9 - to 13.

          Examples of a recipe that doesn't require ingredients are Commission, Manual room Charge, Rebate, Corkage, Rental Fee, and Guest Transfer.

9.  Item Add new record: To add the ingredients of the recipe, click on "Add new record".


12. Click "add item". Repeat Step Steps No. 9,10,11 & 12 to add the rest of the ingredients

13. Enter the Qty used in the recipe by typing the value or select selecting the arrow up or down.

14. Click Submit when done. 

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Exhibit A

Exhibit B. (Sub Recipe)


  1. Navigate to the recipe name that you want to edit.
  2. Click the "edit" icon and start editing the data.
  3. Click "submit" when done.
  4. Click "Cancel" if you don't want to make any changes.

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To Delete (deactivate)


  1. Find the recipe that you want to deactivate, click the "deactivate" button.
  2. Are you sure you want to de-activate this record?
  3. Click "OK".

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To Re-activate

  1. UN-tick box “hide inactive” to show the inactive records.
  2. Select the recipe that you want to re-activate, and click the "re-activate" button.
  3. Are you sure you want to re-activate this record?
  4. Click "OK".

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To Print the overview of the recipe

  1. Select a recipe type, then click the print button. This will generate a pdf file.

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Overview Recipe


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