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Open Folio -By default, this box is unselected. If you tick the box this will allow you to check out leaving the folio OPEN.

How To Reserve a Venue (Venue Reservation)?

  1. Type in the name in the field " guest". If the guest's name is already in the profile, you can just select the name from the dropdown. You can also click on the "profile" button if you want to double-check the details or you want to add/edit a few details during the reservation.
  2. Select the segment and source.
  3. Select the Agency & booker if this reservation is under an agency. Leave it blank if not applicable.
  4. If the reservation is under agency, you can immediately route the charges that will be paid by the agency or by the pax account. Click on the "charge to agency" button. There will be a pop-up, and you only have to select the type of charges that will be routed to the agency.
  5. Click on the "Venue Tab". 
  6. Click the button "Add Venue". There will be a pop-up. You can also click this button directly and fill in or edit the reservation details

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This is the pop-up after clicking the "Add Venue".

Segment & Source - This field is automatically filled in based on what you entered or selected from the first page. 

Guest - This field is automatically filled in based on what you entered or selected from the first page. Edit from here if needed.

Agency & Booker - This field is automatically filled in based on what you entered or selected from the first page. 

Status - Select Quotation, Tentative, or Guarantee.

Range Settings - Select if it's Hourly, Half Day, or Full Day.

DCI / DCO Time - Select the Time of Check-In and Check-out time.

Set-Up - Select the type of Set Up.

Function - Select from the dropdown list for the type of function.

Package - Select the package rate code if applicable.

Adult - Enter the number of Adults

Child - Enter the number of Children if applicable.

Search - Click the search button, Ehors will show the venue availability based on the selected criteria.

Redefine - If you want to edit and redo the criteria, click the redefine button.

Venue - Select the available Venue by clicking the row.

Book Selected - Click on "+ book selected "

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This is how it looks like after clicking "Book Selected". Repeat the process if you want to add multiple venues to one reservation.

If you made a mistake you can still edit the venue or delete it from this page. Deleting a venue is possible before check-in and if the folio has no payment.

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How To Add a BDI (Breakdown Item)?

  1. Make sure you are adding it to the correct reservationID and folio. Click the BDI tab.
  2. Select the folio(s) where you want to add the BDI. You can also click the "Select All" box if you intend to add BDIs to all folios.
  3. Click the "+ Add BDI". There will be a pop-up.

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BDI Outlet -Select the outlet of the BDI you are looking for.

BDI Name - you can also search the name of the BDI without selecting the BDI outlet.

The list of the BDI's will be shown based on the selected criteria. If you only search for a certain BDI, only that BDI name will appear.

+ Add BDI - Select the BDI name that you want to add by clicking the "Add BDI" button. A new window will populate.

Room Price - Enter a new price or edit if needed.

 Click the " + add to folios" 

Select another BDI by clicking the "+Add BDI" and repeat the process. You can also change the BDI outlet if you intend to add a BDI that belongs to another outlet.

Click "Save" once done

This is the pop-up if the selected BDI type is daily.

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This is the pop-up if the selected BDI type is First Day or Last Day.

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How To Delete a BDI (Breakdown Item)?

BDI's can be deleted if the status of the BDI in the database is still pending. Once the BDI is posted, the only way to correct it is to add a negative correction of the same BDI.

Scenario A (deleting A BDI during the process of adding a BDI)

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