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  • Create A Reservation (Venue, Room & Attraction)
  • Edit Reservation
  • Cancel Reservation
  • Check-in
  • Check Out


The first page of this program is used to search for an existing reservation using the different filters. 


This the Pop-up when you click add room


The second page will only enable once you've selected a reservation or after creating a new reservation. The following functions are available on the second page including the check-in, check out function


Reservation FunctionFolios FunctionsAccounting Functions

Confirmation Letter




Key CardTransfer/Split Bill
Charge to Agency CHARGE TO AGENCY MANUALScan IDLump Charges
Reservation RemarksRegistration CardMake Payment
Group CI/CO


Print Invoice
Venue CI/CO



Assign Room


Swap Room
Print DetailsAdd/Remove Folio
Reservation Status SwitchShorten/Extend Stay
Edit Agency/SegmentRouting
Cancel ReservationBDI Remark BDI REMARKS MANUAL

Folio Remarks

How to Create a Room Reservation?

A. Guarantee

  1. Type in the name in the field " guest". If the guest's name is already in the profile, you can just select the name from the dropdown. You can also click on the "profile" button if you want to double-check the details or you want to add/edit few details during the reservation.
  2. Select the segment and source.
  3. Select the Agency & booker if this reservation is under an agency. Leave it blank if not applicable.
  4. If the reservation is under agency, you can immediately route the charges that will be paid by the agency or by the pax account. Click on the "charge to agency" button. There will be a pop-up, and you only have to select the type of charges that will be routed to the agency.
  5. Click on the "add room". There will be a pop-up 


This is the pop-up when you click the "details".

B. Tentative

  1. Type in the name in the field " guest". If the guest's name is already in the profile, you can just select the name from the dropdown. You can also click on the "profile" button if you want to double-check the details or you want to add/edit few details during the reservation.
  2. Select the segment and source.
  3. Select the Agency & booker if this reservation is under an agency. Leave it blank if not applicable. If the reservation is under agency, you can immediately route the charges that will be paid by the agency or by the pax account. Click on the "charge to agency" button. There will be a pop-up, and you only have to select the type of charges that will be routed to the agency.
  4. This is only applicable if charges are charge to the agent. Select the revenue type that will be routed to the agency.
  5. Click Submit when done.
  6. Click on the "add room". There will be a pop-up. 


  1. Select the DCI/DCO of the reservation.
  2. Status: Select the "Tentative" button.
  3. Request: Locate the accommodation type that you want to book. Type in the no of room request or click on the arrow up & down. You can request multiple accommodation types in one booking. For example 5 rooms for Deluxe and 1 room for superior.
  4. Select the rate code or package rate code.
  5. Surcharge: By default is pre-selected, untick if the surcharge doesn't apply.
  6. Configure: this button will allow you to edit the number of pax and to add the no of an extra beds if applicable for the selected accommodation type. 
  7. Details: This will show the details of the charges based on the selected accommodation type. 
  8. Click +Book selected once done.
  9. Click on Reservation functions (top) and click on the "tentative date" feature if you want to change the default tentative setting.  TENTATIVE DATE MANUAL

C. Quotation - This type of reservation doesn't block the inventory.

The steps are the same as how you make the Guaranteed reservation. Instead of Clicking the "Guarantee" click the "Quotation status. 

How to Edit a Room Reservation?

  1. Search the reservation:
    1. Search by reservation ID: Enter the reservationID and click enter
    2. Search the reservation using the filters, the result will be based on the search criteria. Select the reservation and you will be redirected to the 2nd page and continue with the editing
  2. There are two options to edit the folio(s). You can edit by folio or you can edit all the folios under the same accommodation by clicking the "edit set". If there is more than 1 room reserved in that accommodation and you clicked "edit set" all the folios under that category will be ticked. But if you opt to click the edit folio, only the selected folio will be ticked. Start editing the data, you can still untick and tick the folios from the list to be updated. Click "Save Changes". (see Image 2)

       Image 2

How to delete a room?

  1. Search the reservation:
    1. Search by reservation ID: Enter the reservationID and click enter
    2. Search the reservation using the filters, the result will be based on the search criteria. Select the reservation and you will be redirected to the 2nd page.
  2. There are two options to delete a room. You can delete one room or you can delete by bulk. See image 2.

A room cannot be deleted if there's a payment on the folio. 

Image 2

How to cancel a reservation?

A reservation can be canceled if there's no payment on the folio. CANCEL RESERVATION MANUAL

How to check in a room?

In this example, the rooms for this reservation have not been assigned yet. The followng settings affects the check in program, refer to PROPERTY SETTINGS MANUAL
