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Variable Name


Variable Type


Parent Variable


dateOfSalesYesDate(YYYY-mm-dd)2020-10-17-Date of the ticket sales, it'll also be use as ticket valid on date
packageIDNoVarchar(255)ABC123-Package ID retrieve from [ G_ATT_Package ] Get Available Attraction Package, If package are selected ( selectedPckgAttr == "1" ) this variable are mandatory, else can be '' (Blank) or not set.
noPaxYesNum(9)10-Number of pax / guests multiple with selected package and / or selected individual attraction' session
selectIndvAttrYesEnum(0,1)1-"0" mean not being selected or no individual attraction / sessions selected
"1" mean have individual attractions / sessions selected more than 0, at least 1 should trigger and set to "1"
selectPckgAttrYesEnum(0,1)1-"0" mean no package selected or chosen to book
"1" mean at most only 1 package been chosen or used, ONLY 1 (one) package can be set to use here
numAttrIndvSelectedYesNum(9)3-Cannot be blank, at least 0 even nothing been selected for individual attraction, this is the total of attraction(s) been selected
numAttrPckgSelectedYesNum(9)6-Cannot be blank, at least 0 even nothing been selected for selected package, this is the total attraction in the package
Max until (x0)

Selected attraction (BDI ID / Attraction ID / Item ID), loop start from 1 until parent variable x, replacing the number of {x0} start from 1 until maximum number of the parent variable.

numAttrIndvSelected = 3
attrSelectedIndv_1 = "ABC123", attrSelectedIndv_2 = "EFG123", attrSelectedIndv_3 = "HIJ123"

Max until (x0)

All package' attractions within selected package referring to [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details, loop start from 1 until parent variable x, replacing the number of {x0} start from 1 until maximum number of the parent variable.

numAttrPckgSelected = 6
attrSelectedPckg_1 = "ABC123", attrSelectedPckg_2 = "EFG123", attrSelectedPckg_3 = "HIJ123", attrSelectedPckg_4 = "KLM123", attrSelectedPckg_5 = "NOP123", attrSelectedPckg_6 = "QRS123"

Max until (x0)

Price / Amount referring to [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price, XML node of #ATTRACTION_ITEMS@itemPrice of the attraction price, loop start from 1 until parent variable x, replacing the number of {x0} start from 1 until maximum number of the parent variable and MUST match the attraction like attrSelectedIndv_2 have price 400.00, then attrPriceIndv_2 = "400.00"

numAttrIndvSelected = 3
attrPriceIndv_1 = "612.34", attrPriceIndv_2 = "1200.00", attrPriceIndv_3 = "0.00"


Max until (x0)

Price / Amount referring to [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details, XML node of #ATTRACTION_ITEMS@itemPrice_1 of the package attraction price, loop start from 1 until parent variable x, replacing the number of {x0} start from 1 until maximum number of the parent variable and MUST match the attraction like attrSelectedPckg_2 have price 60.00, then attrPricePckg_2 = "60.00"

numAttrPckgSelected = 6
attrPricePckg_1 = "60.00", attrPricePckg_2 = "60.00", attrPricePckg_3 = "100.00", attrPricePckg_4 = "160.00", attrPricePckg_5 = "60.00", attrPricePckg_6 = "100.00"

Max until (x0)

Number of the session selected for the selected individual attractions if non-selected for the attractions, it should be "0". The number cannot be more than available sessions for the attraction from [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price. Loop start from 1 until maximum number of parent variable of numAttrIndvSelected. Where {x0} are representing the attraction of attrSelectedIndv_{x0}.

numAttrSessIndvSelected_2 = "ABC1" and "ABC" have 2 sessions selected numAttrSessIndvSelected_2 = "2"

Max until (x0)

Number of the session selected for the selected individual attractions if non-selected for the attractions, it should be "0". The number cannot be more one of the available sessions for the attraction from [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details. Loop start from 1 until maximum number of parent variable of numAttrPckgSelected. Loop start from 1 until maximum number of parent variable of numAttrPckgSelected. Where {x0} are representing the attraction of attrSelectedIndv_{x0}.

And please be note for package session ARE maximum ONLY to have 1 session per attratcion as the package are grouping the total price.

numAttrSessPckgSelected_2 = "ABC1" and "ABC" have 1 sessions selected numAttrSessPckgSelected_2 = "1"

Max until (x0)
Max until (x1)

This variable use for selected sessionID/plamBoardID getting from [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price, and this variable will be 2 level loop, which first from parent of maximum parent variable numAttrIndvSelected and follow by each attraction of selected with maximum parent variable numAttrSessIndvSelected

Number of selected individual attraction 


Max until (x0)
Max until (x1)
