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Previously the basis of the rate was the rack rate, this is no longer the case anymore. The rate starts for which you wish to sell the room including taxes &  BDI excluding the other formula.


AccommodationBase PaxBDIBDI Price incl tax  12% & SC 10%

Room Component

12% & SC 10%

Selling Price
Deluxe2Breakfast 250 p/p50053005800
Family Suite4Breakfast 250 p/p100049005900
JR Suite2Breakfast 250 p/p50060006500
Presidential Suite2Breakfast 250 p/p50075008000

To Add

To start with the rate code there are a few settings per rate code that needs to be defined:

  1.  Rate Code Name:  Start to give the rate code a clear and recognizable name. This name will appear also in the Ehors booking Engine.
  2. Description: Give it a nice description. The description will also appear in the Ehors Booking Engine.
  3. Validation: Select the validity date of the rate code
  4. Rate Code Group:  The rate code group is used for linking with the accounting system. Usually, there is only
    one rate code group as most hotels only have one revenue account for Room Revenue. If you do not see a rate code group in the dropdown you have to contact accounting and ask them to create one for you.
  5. Package Rate Code yes / no: If yes is selected then the rate code will only be available for the creation of packages and
    will not be selectable during a reservation as a single rate code.
  6. Manual Sorting: This is a free value that decides the sequence of the rate code to be displayed on the internet.
  7. User Level: This level decides which position in the organization is allowed to use the rate code during reservations without authorization of a higher level. This restricts rate codes like complimentary or very special rate codes to be used by unauthorized staff.
    1. 1 means the lowest level, e.g. trainee. This rate code level will allow everybody to be used because the rule is 1 or higher.
    2.  2 2 means medium level, e.g. FO Supervisor. This rate code can be used by anybody with level 2 or higher, level 1 requires permission from level 2 or higher.
    3.  3 3 means HOD, Duty Manager level. This rate code can be used by anybody with level 3 or higher, level 1 and 2 need permission from level 3 or higher. 
  8. Monthly Rate: By default is no. Click yes if the rate code is based on Monthly charging.
  9. Accommodation: Select the type of accommodation to which the rate code applies. Be careful here. Many times a rate code only applies to a certain accommodation, but in practice due to several reasons like overbooking, OOO rooms, etc, big groups, there is a need to use the rate code for other accommodations as well. This is called running on the house. For example, You want to create a rate code for the government and in principle, the government reservations are “always” Superior Twin. However, if there is no sufficient number of rooms in Superior Twin available, the custom is that e.g. DeLuxe twin will be provided for the same price (run on the house). Therefore you need for that particular rate code the room rate also for the other accommodations. This will happen in many different scenarios; therefore you need to be careful when selecting the accommodation and think what the consequences will be if accommodation is not selected. If the accommodation is not selected in the Rate Code, the rack rate will appear as a bad option during the reservation.
  10. Selling Price: This includes Taxes, Sc, and potential BDI's
  11. Submit: If the user clicks submit, this will close the pop up without any further action. This doesn't mean that the rate code is completed.
  12. Segments:
