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General Purpose

The command will retrieve package' details of the attraction and session associated with provided package ID.
Package ID are ID retrieve from [ G_ATT_Package ] Get Available Attraction Package.


Each package have AT LEAST 1 attractions, and each attraction has AT LEAST 1 session.

If 1 attraction have more than 1 session, Its ONLY ALLOW to let guest chose 1 of the available session.

Request Parameter

Variable Name

Variable Type



dateOfSalesDate(YYYY-mm-dd)Date of sales, by given which date of sales to combine with packageID to fetch available attractions and session bundled in the package2017-11-03
packageIDVarchar(255)Package ID retrieve from [ G_ATT_Planboard ] Get Plan Board Availability, with combinations of above variable dateOfSales, if package are within validations dates, bundled attractions along with its session will be returnABCD1234

Sample Request with JS

Code Block

Sample request with CURL

Code Block
curl -d "accessID=ABC123&accessKey=XYZ576abc&moduleCode=TicketSales&command=G_PKG_Details&dateOfSales=2017-11-03&packageID=ABCD1234" -X POST

Respond XML Sample

Code Block
titleSuccess XML Sample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB23" itemType="BDI" itemName="ALL STAR BIRDS SHOW" itemPrice="40.00" sessionID="" session="" totalPrice="" option_1="n" pass="1" max="" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB23" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="40.00" sessionID="CB31458" session="12:45 - 13:45" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="1421" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB23" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="40.00" sessionID="CB31489" session="15:45 - 16:45" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="1459" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB25" itemType="BDI" itemName="BACK OF THE HOUSE" itemPrice="20.00" sessionID="" session="" totalPrice="" option_1="n" pass="1" max="" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB25" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="20.00" sessionID="CB31582" session="06:00 - 20:00" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="2740" autoAssign="y"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB9" itemType="BDI" itemName="BIRDS OF PREY KINGDOM" itemPrice="50.00" sessionID="" session="" totalPrice="" option_1="n" pass="1" max="" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB9" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="50.00" sessionID="CB31675" session="06:00 - 20:00" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="7115" autoAssign="y"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB514" itemType="BDI" itemName="CREEPY CRAWLIES" itemPrice="20.00" sessionID="" session="" totalPrice="" option_1="n" pass="1" max="" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB514" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="20.00" sessionID="CB31644" session="06:00 - 20:00" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="6621" autoAssign="y"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB13" itemType="BDI" itemName="FISH SPA" itemPrice="20.00" sessionID="" session="" totalPrice="" option_1="n" pass="1" max="" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB13" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="20.00" sessionID="CB31551" session="06:00 - 20:00" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="6923" autoAssign="y"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB15" itemType="BDI" itemName="JELLIES EXHIBIT" itemPrice="40.00" sessionID="" session="" totalPrice="" option_1="n" pass="1" max="" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB15" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="40.00" sessionID="HBB32509" session="06:00 - 20:00" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="7438" autoAssign="y"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB10" itemType="BDI" itemName="OCEANARIUM" itemPrice="180.00" sessionID="" session="" totalPrice="" option_1="n" pass="1" max="" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB10" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="180.00" sessionID="CB31334" session="06:00 - 20:00" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="6538" autoAssign="y"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB16" itemType="BDI" itemName="PENGUIN TALK SHOW" itemPrice="100.00" sessionID="" session="" totalPrice="" option_1="n" pass="1" max="" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB16" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="100.00" sessionID="HCB32543" session="00:01 - 16:59" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="7788" autoAssign="y"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB17" itemType="BDI" itemName="SEA LION SHOW" itemPrice="50.00" sessionID="" session="" totalPrice="" option_1="n" pass="1" max="" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB17" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="50.00" sessionID="CB31365" session="10:15 - 11:30" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="1460" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB17" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="50.00" sessionID="CB31396" session="14:15 - 15:30" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="973" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB17" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="50.00" sessionID="CB31427" session="16:15 - 17:30" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="978" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="CB70" itemType="BDI" itemName="SUPER TOY COLLECTION" itemPrice="150.00" sessionID="" session="" totalPrice="" option_1="n" pass="1" max="" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="CB70" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="150.00" sessionID="CB32157" session="00:01 - 23:59" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="8905" autoAssign="y"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB12" itemType="BDI" itemName="SYMPHONY EVENING SHOW" itemPrice="100.00" sessionID="" session="" totalPrice="" option_1="n" pass="1" max="" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB12" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="100.00" sessionID="CB32126" session="17:45 - 19:00" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="484" autoAssign="y"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB11" itemType="BDI" itemName="TRAILS TO ANTARCTICA" itemPrice="50.00" sessionID="" session="" totalPrice="" option_1="n" pass="1" max="" autoAssign="n"/>
    <ATTRACTION_ITEMS itemID="BB11" itemType="BDI" itemName="" itemPrice="" itemPrice_1="50.00" sessionID="CB31613" session="06:00 - 20:00" totalPrice="0.00" option_1="n" pass="1" max="6881" autoAssign="y"/>
    <PROPERTY_DISCOUNTS senDiscPerc="20.00" senDiscVatExem="y" pwdDiscPerc="20.00" pwdDiscVatExem="y"/>
    <SPECIAL_VARIABLES totalBDICount="12"/>
    <CONSTANTS mode="scheduled" countryID="52" outletID="BB37"/>


Code Block
titleSample of package details not available with combined dateOfSales and packageID
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <PROPERTY_DISCOUNTS senDiscPerc="20.00" senDiscVatExem="y" pwdDiscPerc="20.00" pwdDiscVatExem="y"/>
    <SPECIAL_VARIABLES totalBDICount="0"/>
    <CONSTANTS mode="scheduled" countryID="52" outletID="BB37"/>

XML Node Explain




#PROPERTY_DISCOUNTLowThis node are use to provide system discount from EHORS, can be ignore
#PROPERTY_DISCOUNT@senDiscPercLowSenior citizen discount percentage setting from EHORS, can be ignore
#PROPERTY_DISCOUNT@senDiscVatExemLowVAT Exemption setting from EHORS, cab be ignore
#PROPERTY_DISCOUNT@pwdDiscPercLowPWD discount percentage setting from EHORS, can be ignore
#PROPERTY_DISCOUNT@pwdDiscVatExemLowPWD discount shall be VAT exempted setting from EHORS, can be ignore
#SPECIAL_VARIABLESMediumThis node use to contain some additional info for the result, like summary
#SPECIAL_VARIABLES@totalBDICountMediumNumber of attractions found, can use to make looping count on attractions nodes
#CONSTANTSLowThis node use to show additional settings from EHORS, can be ignore
#CONSTANTS@modeLowSystem mode for ticket sales program, can be ignore
#CONSTANTS@countryIDLowCountry ID use for ticket sales program, can be ignore
#CONSTANTS@outletIDLowOutlet ID use for ticket sales program, can be ignore
#ATTRACTION_ITEMSHighIndividual node for attraction, can be either attraction info or session details. Its a combinations use for attraction and session.
If sessionID is blank, its an attraction, else its session mapped with itemID
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@itemIDHighUnique ID of the attraction, this case it alias as BDIID or as attractionID, its use to map same #ATTRACTION_ITEMS node to map between attraction and session node
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@itemTypeLowUse by EHORS ticket sales program, can be ignore. It'll be fixed at "BDI" at the moment unless changes in future
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@itemNameHighIf not blank it'll indicate this node is an attractions and will be given a name of the attraction define by user
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@itemPriceLowIf blank indicated this node is session node, else if not blank its an attraction general price and use for EHORS ticket sales program, can be ignore
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@itemPrice_1HighThis attribute only valid on session node. It use for item price of the attraction' session, different session may have different price. The amount of price are in double precision, no thousand separator and amount are final selling amount inclusive tax. This will be the price linked with the sessionID / planBoardID
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@sessionIDHighOnly valid for session node, attraction node will be blank. Unique ID of the session, each attraction may have more than 1 (one) session, this IS also may call or use as planBoardID
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@sessionHighSession in STRING format combined start time and end time of the session, may refer to [ G_ATT_Planboard ] Get Plan Board Availability for session time start and time end as well as session hosting venue
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@totalPriceLowUse by EHORS ticket sales program to calculate number of pax multiply by itemPrice_1 for the session, and sum for sessions selected for attraction node, can be ignore
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@option_1LowUse by EHORS ticket sales program to indicate if the session been selected, can be ignore
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@passLowUse by EHORS ticket sales program to make check sum of the validation of data, can be ignore
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@maxMediumIf Blank indicated attraction node. Maximum pax can be selected for this session, use by EHORS ticket sales program, can be ignore
#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@autoAsignLowUse by EHORS ticket sales program to auto select in the program, absolutes feature, can be ignore

Sample package details in EHORS system