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Code Block
titleSample NO plan board available
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <PROPERTY_DISCOUNTS senDiscPerc="20.00" senDiscVatExem="y" pwdDiscPerc="20.00" pwdDiscVatExem="y"/>
    <SPECIAL_VARIABLES totalBDICount="0"/>
    <CONSTANTS mode="scheduled" countryID="52" outletID="BB37"/>

XML Node Explain

NodeImportance Explain
#PROPERTY_DISCOUNTLowThis node are use to provide system discount from EHORS, can be ignore
#PROPERTY_DISCOUNT@senDiscPercLowSenior citizen discount percentage setting from EHORS, can be ignore
#PROPERTY_DISCOUNT@senDiscVatExemLowVAT Exemption setting from EHORS, cab be ignore
#PROPERTY_DISCOUNT@pwdDiscPercLowPWD discount percentage setting from EHORS, can be ignore
#PROPERTY_DISCOUNT@pwdDiscVatExemLowPWD discount shall be VAT exempted setting from EHORS, can be ignore
#SPECIAL_VARIABLESMediumThis node use to contain some additional info for the result, like summary
#SPECIAL_VARIABLES@totalBDICountMediumNumber of attractions found, can use to make looping count on attractions nodes
#CONSTANTSLowThis node use to show additional settings from EHORS, can be ignore
#CONSTANTS@modeLowSystem mode for ticket sales program, can be ignore
#CONSTANTS@countryIDLowCountry ID use for ticket sales program, can be ignore
#CONSTANTS@outletIDLowOutlet ID use for ticket sales program, can be ignore
#PLANBOARD_ITEMSHighIndividual node for attraction, can be either attraction info or session details. Its a combinations use for attraction and session.
If sessionID is blank, its an attraction, else its session mapped with attractionID
#PLANBOARD_ITEMS@attractionIDHighUnique alphanumeric attraction ID from EHORS to identify the attractions, it may also use as BDIID
#PLANBOARD_ITEMS@sessionIDHighUnique alphanumeric session ID from EHORS to identify the session within an attraction, it may also use as planBoardID
#PLANBOARD_ITEMS@attractionHighAttraction name define in EHORS system by customer, if data is blank identify as session element
#PLANBOARD_ITEMS@venueNameHighVenue name of the session hosted, define by customer in EHORS system, if data is blank identify as attraction element
#PLANBOARD_ITEMS@startTimeHighStart time in format of HH:mm of the session, if data is blank identify as attraction element
#PLANBOARD_ITEMS@endTimeHighEnd time in format of HH:mm of the session, if data is blank identify as attraction element
#PLANBOARD_ITEMS@paxHighMaximum capacity of the venue of the session can handle, if data is blank identify as attraction element
#PLANBOARD_ITEMS@reservedHighNumber of pax already reserved in EHORS system, if data is blank identify as attraction element
#PLANBOARD_ITEMS@availableHighSecurity check on maximum pax minus reserved, show directly the available left for this session, if data is blank identify as attraction element

Sample availability in EHORS system

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