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Variable Name


Variable Type


Parent Variable

outletIDYesVarchar(255)ABC123-Outlet ID to use for the ticket sales, this ID can be obtained from XML node of "#CONSTANTS@outletID" under [ G_ATT_Planboard ] Get Plan Board Availability or  [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price or [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details
reservationIDYesVarchar(255)ABC123-Reservation ID from [ P_TKT_NewSales ] Add New Ticket Sales, from XML node of "#ATTRACTION_ITEMS@reservationID" this is the main reference to confirm a sales
totalConfirmationYesDouble(10.2)1234.56-The total amount of sales to be confirm confirmed for this booking, inclusive of all taxes in gross
paymentAmountYesDouble(10.2)1234.56-The total amount of payment where guest pays for this sales through payment gateway or the total amount bank confirmed. This amount should be the same as total confirmation 
bankApprovalCodeYesVarchar(255)0017821-Approval code replied from the payment gateway to confirm this sale, this is the main references use in bank end accounting
cardHolderNameYesVarchar(255)JOHN SMITH-Credit/Debit cardholder name to confirm the sales, if payment gateway doesn't provide, can send the "#guestName" from [ P_TKT_NewSales ] Add New Ticket Sales
cardNumberYesNum(17)4111111111111111-Credit/Debit card number, if the payment gateway doesn't provide, or you don't have a first layer to store, you may send in a dummy card number based on card type as the following a sample
cardTypeYesVarchar(255)VISA/MasterCard-Credit/Debit card type
cardCVCYesVarchar(4)1234-Credit/Debit card CVC/CCV2 number and if the payment gateway doesn't provide or you don't have a layer before sending to the payment gateway, you can provide a dummy 3 to 4 digits codes like 000 or 0000
ccExpMonthYesVarchar(2)09-2 digits months format for the credit/debit card expiry month
ccExpYearYesVarchar(4)2025-Full 4 digits of year format for the credit/debit card expiry year
bankReferenceYesVarchar(255)ABC000012387812-Payment gateway replied reference number, can be bank batch number or any additional reference of this sales transaction
paymentRemarksYesVarchar(255)Online ticket sales ABC123-Text description of this sales can be simple remarks like "Online sales payments for ticket sales ABC123". Or details like "Online payment for ABC123, 2x attraction A for 2 paxespax" with maximum characters of 255
bankTransactionNoYesVarchar(255)TUY72138211-Payment gateway replied reference number for this sales transaction
taxesCountYesNum(9)2-A number of selected attraction/BDI' tax for this sales, Example if guest selected attraction A (1 vat taxes) and attraction B (2 taxes), this variables is 3. Where the number of taxes can be obtains from XML node "#TAXES" from [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price or [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details
attractionCountYesNum(9)1-A number of attractions selected inclusive in the package selected and individual. Example if 1 guest folio selected 1 package with 3 attraction plus 2 individuals attractions is equal to 5 in this variable
guestFolioCountYesNum(9)3-Number of the guest folio which is after making [ P_TKT_NewSales ] Add New Ticket Sales under the XML node "#ATTRACTION_ITEMS"

Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "taxesCount"minus 1 (one) which the tax's BDI is belonging to. And the BDI ID mapped with the selected attraction/BDI taxes can be mapped from XML node of "#TAXES@BDIID" under command [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price and [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details

taxesCount = 3
taxBDIID_0 = "ACB101", taxBDIID_1 = "ABC102", taxBDIID_2 = "ABC103"

Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "taxesCount"minus 1 (one). And the account ID of the selected attraction/BDI' taxes can be mapped from XML node of "#TAXES@accountID" under command [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price and [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details

taxesCount = 3
taxAccountID_0 = "ACB101", taxAccountID_1 = "ABC102", taxAccountID_2 = "ABC103"

taxDescription_{x0}NoVarchar(255)VAT OUTPUTtaxesCount
Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "taxesCount"minus 1 (one). And the taxes description of the selected attraction/BDI' taxes can be mapped from XML node of "#TAXES@description" under command [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price and [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details

taxesCount = 3
taxDescription_0 = "VAT OUTPUT", taxDescription_1 = "VAT OUTPUT", taxDescription_2 = "SERVIE CHARGE"

Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "taxesCount"minus 1 (one). And the tax service ID from EHORS of the selected attraction/BDI' taxes can be mapped from XML node of "#TAXES@taxServiceID" under command [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price and [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details

taxesCount = 3
taxServiceID_0 = "ACB101", taxServiceID_1 = "ABC102", taxServiceID_2 = "ABC103"

Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "taxesCount"minus 1 (one). And the tax type with shortcode from EHORS of the selected attraction/BDI' taxes can be mapped from XML node of "#TAXES@taxServiceType" under command [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price and [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details

taxesCount = 3
taxServiceType_0 = "vat", taxServiceType_1 = "vat", taxServiceType_2 = "sc"

Max until (x0)

Counting from 0 until the maximum of "taxesCount"minus 1 (one). And the tax' percentage defined in EHORS of the selected attraction/BDI' taxes can be mapped from XML node of "#TAXES@perc" under command [ G_IND_Attractions ] Get Individual Attractions Price and [ G_PKG_Details ] Get Package Details. The format must be with rounding of 2 digits and WITHOUT thousand separator

taxesCount = 3
taxPercentage_0 = "12.00", taxPercentage_1 = "12.00", taxPercentage_2 = "8.00"

Max until (x0)

Max until (x0)

Max until (x0)

Max until (x0)

Max until (x0)

Max until (x0)

Max until (x0)
