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Status"command"Data DirectionFunctionOn Success Return

G_ATT_PlanboardRetrieveRetrieve available plan boardList of available attractions and sessions with the venue hosting the attractions, maximum pax and available left by a given date 

G_IND_AttractionsRetrieveRetrieve available individual attractionsList of available individual attractions by given date with sessions, and individual price

G_ATT_PackageRetrieveRetrieve available packageList of the available package by given date created and mapped to market segment "Internet" and segment source "Direct"

G_PKG_DetailsRetrieveRetrieve details of given package IDList of attractions and sessions bundled and designed within the given packageID

P_TKT_NewSalesSendCreate new ticket salesSuccess with reservationID which will be use used for later payment or reservation cancellation or verification

P_TKT_CancelSalesSendCancel ticket salesSuccess with cancellation status, ONLY success if booking arenisn't cancel canceled yet
Re-design documentsP_TKT_ConfirmSalesSendConfirm ticket sales with payment detailsSuccess with a list of reserved tickets/wristband number and booking status
Re-design documentsG_TKT_VerifySalesRetrieveVerify if the booking has been confirmedSuccess if confirmed with reserved tickets/wristband numbers, else may be maybe back-end cancellation time out or cancelledcanceled.