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This is just to add an additional information to a room with regards to the location of the room. 
Room location can also be used to create clusters that can be used to block whole clusters during OOO blocking. In this way a whole floor or part of a floor can be blocked in 1 time.

For Example:

  • Closed to the elevator/lift
  • Corner Room
  • Quiet Room
  • Near emergency exit
  • Sea View 
  • Mountain View
  • Garden View
  • PWD

Remarks: This is a “Per Property” program. This means, add edit, delete will not affect other property.

To Add

  1. Click the button "+ Add new Record", type the location, code and the floor. Hit Submit or enter when done.

          The fields Location, code and floor are NOT mandatory, however at least 1 field must have a value. Please note that in this program Ehors does not check for duplicate entry.

          You are free to put any value.

To Edit

  1. Click the "edit" icon and start editing the data.
  2. Click "submit" when done.
  3. Click "cancel" if you don't want to make any changes.

To Delete (deactivate)

Double check first before deactivating the location

  1. Select the location that you want to deactivate, click "deactivate" button.
  2. Are you sure you want to de-activate this record?
  3. Click "OK".

To Re-activate

  1. UN-tick the tick box “hide inactive” to show the in-active records.
  2. Select the location that you want to re-activate, click "re-activate" button.
  3. Are you sure you want to re-activate this record?
  4. Click "OK".

  • No labels