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REPLACE ITEM - This is where you can search the ingredient of your recipe and replace the item with the new one. You can do it in bulk or one by one. This program can be found under F&B module.

To Replace

I will be using the chicken rice recipe as an example. Item to be replaced is "cucumber". It will be replaced with tomato.

Recipe (before the replacement of item),  qty used for cucumber is 40

  1. Left Box: Select the item you wished to replace. Rules: Only one item can be selected.
  2. Middle box: The system will display the recipe(s) that contains the item selected. Select the recipe that needs a replacement of a new ingredient/item. You can always select one or more recipes.
  3. Right Box: Select the New item from the list. Only 1 item can be replaced with a new item for all recipes that have the old item.
  4. Click submit  when done.

Checked the Recipe program (after replacement of item), cucumber is no longer on the list, it has been replaced with Tomato. Qty used is based on the qty used i n the recipe of the old item.

If you disagree with the qty, please modify the qty in the recipe program.

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