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The employee must be authorized first before he/she can use the program, refer to this manual on how to authorize OUTLET AUTHORIZATION MANUAL

How to use it?

  1. Select the outlet and click the Start button. NOTE: If only 1 outlet is assigned to the employee, upon login, the user is immediately directed to the POS Retail Sales movie/interface

     2. Item/recipe can be searched in 2 ways.

A. Thru Scanning the barcode or typing it.

         B. Thru item search

    3. If the item to be purchased is more than 1, search for the item (either thru barcode or item search). Select the recipe and enter the qty if it's more than one. 

    4. Click the Add button. Repeat the same procedure for the next item(s). 

    5. Item ordered will now appear in the order grid.

    6. To add a different item, just follow steps 3-4.

    7. To cancel an order, just tick the box of the item to be canceled and click the “Cancel item” button. Enter the reason for cancelation. Click Submit when done. If your access requires authorization to cancel an item, the authorization box will pop up, and it depends on the property settings if it requires more than 1 authorization before you can cancel an item.  (refer to PROPERTY SETTINGS MANUAL and locate Point of Sales to check the settings).

      8. To cancel an invoice, just click the “Cancel Invoice” button, type the reason for the cancellation and click Submit button to cancel. NOTE: If your access requires authorization to cancel an invoice, the authorization

box will pop up, and it depends on the property settings if it requires more than 1 authorization before you can cancel an invoice.  (refer to PROPERTY SETTINGS MANUAL and locate Point of Sales to check the settings).

     9. To Add a discount, select the item(s) to be discounted and then click the "add discount" you can give a discount by the amount or by percentage. Enter the value and click "Add". 

    10. Double-check the order if it is correct. To Pay, click the “Pay” button. You will be directed to the payment movie

    11. Payment Movie: The availability of the payment method is depending on the linking. Please refer to this manual for more details with regards to the linking of payment methods and how the different payment methods are working. PAYMENT CLASS LINK MANUAL.


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