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There are four types of package categories.

  1. Room Package
  2. Venue/Banquet/Function package
  3. Spa
  4. Attraction package.

A package for an attraction, Venue, or Spa doesn't need a rate code.
- A package is a fixed number of days/nights
- All BDI components are allocated to the correct day of revenue recognition
- The charge of the complete package price will be at the moment of check-in, however, the revenues will be booked according to the actual revenue dates
- Early check-out will NOT result in an automatic correction. It is NOT common in the industry to correct packages due to their special pricing nature already.
- A rate code can have the same components as a package, however, the “first-day” BDI’s will all be recognized on the first day of check-in. The issue here is that e.g. if the guest is entitled to a free massage if staying for a minimum of 3 nights, it becomes manual in a rate code. A package would protect this type of promo.


  • if room or venue, no market segment/source needs to be selected. Segment and source will follow the segment and source of the rate code. If the selection is attraction the frame for the selection of segment and source is released.
  • package type is no longer relevant
  • if the number of days = 1, the day column in the BDI box is pre-selected
  • the BDI grid extends to tally the number of nights, meaning if a package is 3 nights, there are 3 columns with days 1,2,3
  • amounts in the BDI box can be entered any value, including 0 and negative


A package for the room category needs a rate code with the status package rate code ‘y’. A package for a room therefore always has a rate code.

  1. Package Name: Enter the package name this is also the name that will appear on the internet if this rate code selected is applicable to the internet market segment.
  2. Package Category: Select "room type".
  3. Surcharge: Click yes if a surcharge is applicable for this package.
  4. Rate code: Select the rate code created for this package.
  5. Day/Nights: Enter the number of days or nights.
  6. Package Valid From: Enter the validity of the package.
  7. Package Description:  Give it a proper description as this will be the description that will appear if it's applicable to the internet market segment.
  8. Manual Sorting: This is a free value that decides the sequence of the package rate code to be displayed on the internet.
  9. BDI: Click the add new record. Search and select the BDI(s) included in this package.
  10. Days: The number of the column will automatically change based on the defined days/nights. Allocate the correct day of the BDI by selecting if it's day 1, 2, or 3, and so forth.
  11. Price: Enter the price of the BDI based on Adult or Child. The price is always by pax.
  12. Click "submit" when done.


  1. Package Name: Enter the package name this is also the name that will appear on the internet if this rate code selected is applicable to the internet market segment.
  2. Package Category: Select "Venue type".
  3. Surcharge: Click yes if a surcharge is applicable for this package.
  4. Package Valid From: Enter the validity of the package.
  5. Package Description:  Give it a proper description as this will be the description that will appear if it's applicable to the internet market segment.
  6. Manual Sorting: This is a free value that decides the sequence of the package rate code to be displayed on the internet.
  7. BDI: Click the add new record.
  8. Add BDI: Search and select the BDI(s) included in this package.
  9. Click "submit" when done.
  10. Enter the price of the BDI (price is per pax)
  11. Click"submit" when everything is completed.


  1. Package Name: Enter the package name this is also the name that will appear on the internet if this rate code selected is applicable to the internet market segment.
  2. Package Category: Select "Attraction type".
  3. Package Valid From: Enter the validity of the package.
  4. Package Description:  Give it a proper description as this will be the description that will appear if it's applicable to the internet market segment.
  5. Manual Sorting: This is a free value that decides the sequence of the package rate code to be displayed on the internet.
  6. Segment & Source: Click the segment tab to add the segments, and click the source tab to add the source.
  7. Click the "add new record".
  8. Add Segment/Source: Select the segment/source this package is applicable to.
  9. Click "submit" when done.
  10. BDI: Click the add new record.
  11. Search and select the BDI(s) included in this package.
  12. Click "submit" when done.
  13. Price: Enter the price of the BDI based on Adult or Child. The price is always by pax.
  14. Click "submit" when done.


  1. Package Name: Enter the package name this is also the name that will appear on the internet if this rate code selected is applicable to the internet market segment.
  2. Package Category: Select "Spa ".
  3. Package Valid From: Enter the validity of the package.
  4. Package Description:  Give it a proper description as this will be the description that will appear if it's applicable to the internet market segment.
  5. Manual Sorting: This is a free value that decides the sequence of the package rate code to be displayed on the internet.
  6. Segment & Source: Click the segment tab to add the segments, and click the source tab to add the source.
  7. Click the "add new record".
  8. Add Segment/Source: Select the segment/source this package is applicable to.
  9. Click "submit" when done.
  10. BDI: Click the add new record.
  11. Search and select the BDI(s) included in this package.
  12. Click "submit" when done.
  13. Price: Enter the price of the BDI based on Adult or Child. The price is always by pax.
  14. Click "submit" when done.

To Duplicate/Edit/Deactivate

  1. Duplicate - This function is to help you speed up the process of creating a package, especially when the inclusions are very similar. Just locate the package name that you want to duplicate. Once you click the duplicate button, you have to enter the new package name. The rest of the data are copied, you can start adding or editing the information or leave it as it is.
  2. Edit - Select the package that you want to edit, click on the "edit icon" and start editing the data.
  3. Deactivate - Select the package that you want to deactivate, click on the "deactivate icon". 

To Search

Select the filter icon and select from the drop-down list.

  • contains
  • Start with
  • is equal to

To Re-activate

  1. UN-tick the box “hide inactive” to show the inactive records.
  2. Select the package name that you want to re-activate, click the "re-activate" button.
  3. Are you sure you want to re-activate this record?
  4. Click "OK".

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