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This program is used to book purchases that do not have a supplier. Examples are Staff claims for petrol, toll, etc. 
The purchases (mostly expenses) are directly booked and the total amount is paid by cheque, bank, or cash. In V3 cheque was the only payment method, we are now adding cash as well.

Remarks: Manual payment is not advisable to use if you want to post the expenses in the correct month. Because sometimes the expenses belong to October but you are only able to pay it in November. Unless the expenses have been posted/booked in General Ledger as an Accrual. In that case, you do not select an expense account but you use the proper accrued account. If you made a mistake using a manual payment, the only way to correct it, is to void the cheque (using cancel payment) and do it again.

Manual Payment Paid By Cheque

  1. Enter the reference number. This is your internal reference this is alphanumeric.
  2. Then select the date of the payment. You can only select one date which is the date of the payment. 
  3. Select the Division & Department and outlet if applicable, you can also select the department or outlet name directly without selecting the division. Ehors will automatically show the related Division.
  4. Select the P&L Account, you can immediately select the account without selecting the ledger & group. Ehors will automatically show the related group and ledger.
  5. Enter the amount. 
  6. Select the Tax Incl button and find the related taxes from the dropdown, if the invoice includes Tax. Or select Excl. tax if there is no tax involved.
  7. Enter the memo. This is a text field, enter the description of the invoice.
  8. Select the button "+record".  After clicking "add record" the journal will be shown on the debit side column.
  9. Tick "Cheque" if the invoice will be paid by Cheque. 
  10. Select the Account to be credited.
  11. Enter the amount. 
  12. Enter the Cheque No. Ehors checks if the cheque number you enter is already used or not.
  13. Enter the Payee Name
  14. Enter the memo, this memo will be shown on the PV
  15. Click Print Cheque: A Pdf will be generated. Print the cheque first and double-check if everything is in order before you click the " Add to grid".
  16. Add To grid will only enable after you clicked the print cheque button. Once it's added to the grid it will be shown on the "credit side column.
  17. Click "submit" when done. You can only submit when the journal balance is zero. After clicking submit, a pdf for PV and GL Journal will be generated.

Print cheque in PDF

Example of Payment Voucher

GL Journal

Manual Payment Paid By Cash

  1. Enter the reference number. This is your internal reference this is alphanumeric.
  2. Then select the date of the payment. You can only select one date which is the date of the payment. 
  3. Select the Division & Department and outlet if applicable, you can also select the department or outlet name directly without selecting the division. Ehors will automatically show the related Division.
  4. Select the P&L Account, you can immediately select the account without selecting the ledger & group. Ehors will automatically show the related group and ledger.
  5. Enter the amount. 
  6. Select the Tax Incl button and find the related taxes from the dropdown, if the invoice includes Tax. Or select Excl. tax if there is no tax involved.
  7. Enter the memo. This is a text field, enter the description of the invoice.
  8. Select the button "+record".  After clicking "add record" the journal will be shown on the debit side column.
  9. Tick "Petty Cash" if the invoice will be paid by Cheque. 
  10. Select the Cash Account to be credited.
  11. Enter the amount. 
  12. Enter the PV No. 
  13. Enter the Payee Name.
  14. Enter the memo, this memo will be shown on the PV
  15. Click "add to grid" Once it's added to the grid it will be shown on the "credit side column.
  16. Click "submit" when done. You can only submit when the journal balance is zero. After clicking submit, a pdf for PV and GL Journal will be generated.

GL Journal


To Edit the Record

You can still edit the record before you click submit. Just click the row that you want to edit. If you want to edit the debit side, the -record button and the Update button will be enabled

Start making changes and click update. If you want to remove the selected row, after clicking the row, click on the -record. If you click on the "credit side " row, only the update button will be enabled.

Click "submit" when done. 

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