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ITEM: An item is the basis of all products and services a property sells, with the exception of rate codes (rooms & venues), and the related pax formulas, occupancy formulas as well as promo actions like LOS, Min Stay, Early Bird, Last minute. Items can be tangible and intangible. E.g. the basis of a manual room charge is an item, this is an intangible item. An example of a tangible item is a chicken, that can be used for creating a recipe or a toy that can be sold in a retail shop.

An item is a prerequisite before a recipe and BDI (breakdown item) can be created.

Remarks:  Adding a new record affects all properties within the group. This means adding a new record is all, edit and delete is per property.

Example of Items and how it should be set up based on the operation.

Item CategoryItem NameItem DescriptionPMSMCMLast PriceItem TypePurchase MethodItem PriceAverage PriceCut StockCharge OutRetail Item yesConsignment MarginRecipe TypeDefault BarcodeSelling Price
1Alcoholic DrinksMacallan Whiskey (Ctn12x750Ml)Macallan Whiskey (Ctn12x750Ml)Ctn (12)Btl (1)ML (750Ml)3000InventoryNP3000

2Dairy ProductsFresh Milk Nestle, Box (10PackX 1L)

Fresh Milk Nestle, Box (10PackX 1L)

Box (10)Pack (1)ML (1000)118InventoryNP117.00

3Fixed Asset - Office Equipment

Biometric Fr 900, Face And Fingerprint Time Attendance

Biometric Fr 900, Face And Fingerprint Time Attendance

Lot (1)Lot (1)

Lot     (1)


4Non Alcoholic Drinks

Coke Light, Case(24 Pets X 500ml)

Coke Light, Case(24 Pets X 500ml)Case (24)Pet (1)ML (500)65InventoryNP65.00
Beverage Revenue123456789XXX100.00
5Office Supplies

Copy Paper, A4, Sub 20, Copy & Laser Brand

Copy Paper, A4, Sub 20, Copy & Laser Brand

Box (4)Ream (1)Ream (1)120InventoryNP124

6Pest ControlDomestic Garbage HaulingDomestic Garbage HaulingLot (1)Lot (1)Lot (1)35000InventoryNP35000

7Retail - SouvenirsWood Crafted Magnet 2 LayersWood Crafted Magnet 2 LayersPcs (1)Pcs (1)Pcs     (1)5.00InventoryNP5.00
Retail- SouvenirAbc123456789030.00

Broccoli, Kg

Broccoli, Kg

Kg (1)Kg (1)Gram (1000)60.00P&LML60.00

To Add

  1. Select the category of the item and click "add new record". Selected Categories will automatically appear in the pop-up. You can also click "add new record" directly.
  2. Item: Enter the name of the item. Standardized the naming of the item to avoid duplication. You can start with the name of the item followed by the brand and the packaging. You can also name it English or in another language. 
  3. Item Description: Item Description can be the translation of the item or it can also be the same name as the item. This field can also be set up as the SKU.
  4. Item Type: Identify if the item is Inventory, P&L, or Asset.   If the item type selected is Asset or Inventory the preset for purchase method is NP  and If the item type selected is P&L the preset for purchase method is ML.  
    1. Inventory: At goods received it will debit the balance category account and credit invoice to receive. At goods distribution, it will credit the balance account and debit the cost account of the department that raised the SR.                 
    2. Asset: At Goods received it will debit the balance account and credit invoice to receive. At goods distribution, it will remain in the balance account until you disposed it and it will transfer to your cost account.                   
    3. P&L: At goods received it will debit the cost account of the department who raised the SR and credit invoice to receive. At Goods received it will debit the cost account and credit invoice to receive. At goods distribution, it will credit the cost account and debit the cost account of the department that raised the SR.
  5. Item Price: Enter the item price excluding or including tax. If the item price is entered at the moment of adding the item, the last price will be updated. Changing item prices will not affect the last price if there's an existing good receive already.
  6. Last Price: This field is not editable. The last price is the price for which you purchased the item regardless of the supplier. The last price is updated during Goods receive.  
  7. Average Price: the average price is the total amount spent divided by the qty purchased based on the number of months defined in the system settings. The default setting for this is 6 months. Please note that the current month counts as one month. 
  8. Purchase Measurement: This measurement will appear in the PO, so you always have to identify how you purchase the item/goods. This measurement is very useful for your supplier, so the supplier understands what you need.
  9. Stock Measurement: How do you store the item. Is it by the bottle, pcs, cartons, cans? The default unit of this measurement is always 1. This is also the measurement that will appear in the stock request program.
  10. Calculation Measurement: The question for this measurement is, how do you use it? This measurement is also used for creating the RECIPE. It is not always related to food, there are nonfood items as well. The important here is being consistent.  If it's used in the recipe it's better if the CM is converted into Grams or ML depending on the packaging of an item.
  11. Purchase Method: We have two types of purchasing. Normal Purchasing & Market List Purchasing. This field is not editable anymore by the user and is depending on Item Type. (see point 4) Formula: PM X SM X CM = Volume
  12. Cut Stock: This is only relevant for all sellable items. If the status is yes, E-hors will automatically deduct the qty in the inventory once sold.
  13. Par Stock:  This is where you set your Par stock level (If the actual stock is lower than the minimum stock, even if there are no requisition, E-hors will still show this item in the Purchase advice to take care that the minimum/par stock level will be reached.) Minimum qty. and the minimum order is based on SM.
  14. Min Order: Minimum order is for your supplier, only if your supplier sets a min order for you because you will get a better price if you purchase based on the minimum order.
  15. External directories: This button enables you to add a link that contains your files. You can attach your quotations, images, or any documents through links. Our advice is to use dropbox as your storage provider or any other shared folder. You can also add an additional information about the item. 
  16. Charge OutInventory & Asset items can be charged out upon distribution or upon usageAdvised is to charge out most F&B items upon usage. If the item type is P&L, the charge out is automatically at distribution.
  17. Retail Item: If the status is a retail item "yes" a new box will pop up. When it's submitted, the system creates a recipe. 

                 a. Consignment: Click yes, if this a consignment item. Ehors has a separate consignment report.

                 b. Margin To Supplier: This field will only enable if the status is consignment 'yes'. Enter the % payable to the supplier, This information will appear in the consignment report.

                 c. Recipe Type: Select the recipe type of the recipe. This is where the revenue will be posted.

                 d. Recipe Measurement. Select the measurement from the dropdown.

                 e. Default Barcode: This is only used for the item that has a default Barcode. 

                 f. Retail Selling Price: Enter the selling price of the recipe if this recipe will be sold in the POS Retail program.

     18. Click Submit when done.

Adding an external directory

To Edit

  1. Search the item that you want to edit. You can search by Item category, or you can search the name of the item using the search field.
  2. Click on "edit" and start editing the data.
  3. Click "Submit when you are done.

To Deactivate

  1. Search the item that you want to deactivate.
  2. Click on the "deactivate" button.
  3. Are you sure you want to deactivate this record? 
  4. Click "OK".

To Reactivate

  1. Untick the "hide inactive" box to show the inactive records.
  2. Select the inactive item that you want to reactivate.
  3. Are you sure you want to reactivate this record?
  4. Click "OK".

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