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An item can only be ordered once it's linked to the supplier and department.

This is the program where you link the items to the departments that the they are allowed to request for.

The functionality and the GUI of this program is similar to item supplier.

Remarks: This is a “Per Property” program. This means, add edit, delete will not affect other property.

  1. Click the "add" button.
  2. Select one or multiple departments.
  3. Select the items that you want to link to the selected department. Existing link will be shown as well but it's not editable in "Add" function.
  4. Click "Submit" when done.

You can always search/filter by department, item & by item category. 

To Edit/Unlink/Reactivate the linking

  1. Click the "edit" button. You can either select by item or by department. 
  2. Left box: Selecting a Department will enable the 3rd box and displays the items that are already linked to the selected supplier. Inactive linking will be shown in red.
  3. Middle box: Selecting an item will display the list of Department  that are already linked to the selected item.
  4. Right box: The right box displays the existing linking. This is also where you can unlink the item from its existing link.
  5. Click Submit when done.

Example #1.

Example #2.

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