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Many subscribers will subscribe to E-Hors related programs.
A package for Go2B is in the basis a BDI. The get familiar with the creation of a BDI (read package) please read the manuals for:

  • Division, Department, Outlet
  • Item Category, Item
  • Recipe Type, Measurements, Recipe and Sub Recipe
  • BDI Category, BDI

A BDI can have the status Go2Bu = 'yes', which means that this particular BDI is in fact a package for a subscriber, whereas a subscriber can have many packages.
Many of these packages will include one of the following services / programs:

  • POS Retails
  • POS Restaurant
  • POS Ticketing
  • POS Fast Food
  • POS Spa
  • Purchasing
  • Inventory Management
  • Several Accounting programs

If a subscriber subscribes to a package which includes one of the above, an E-Hors installation is needed. To be able to perform the correct installation, the BDI needs to be linked to those programs that are a part of the package (BDI).
Once the BDI is created, which includes all the items that belong to the package, the user uses the program "Financial Package Go2B" to include the programs into the BDI.
Obviously it is possible that a BDI only has E-Hors programs.

Explanation User Interface:

  1. The so called drop down box contains all BDIs that have the status Go2B 'y', regardless if other components are already included in the package. 
    By clicking on the box, the box will expand and the BDIs are listed. If you have many BDIs, just type the name or a part of the name and E-Hors will show the result. This method can be faster than scrolling down. Of course both methods work.
  2. This check box will select all E-Hors programs. Unless the subscriber is a full service hotel, this check box will not be used for Go2B packages.
  3. The submit button will store the selections made. If the selection exists of many programs and there is a remote connection, saving the data can take a minute, please be patient. To work efficiently; select all the programs first before you click submit. When you click submit the latest selection will overwrite the previous selection.
  4. There is a hierarchy in the presentation of the programs. Accounting is the module, if you click the check box in front of Accounting, all programs in this module will be selected. Obviously the same applies to the other modules.
  5. This is the group level. If you click a group level all programs in the group level will be selected.
  6. This is the program level. This should be used when the user wishes to select individual programs. Please note a small change on the module level and the group level.

    When the user selected Attraction Planboard, the group was automatically selected as well and the module is selected with a square instead of an arrow.

A BDI can always be updated with more or less programs and this will NOT affect the other possible components in the package.

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