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This report provides an inside on the production per rate code.
A rate code does not include room revenue only but also includes BDI revenue from different sources.
Several filter options are available. The data in this report is gross, meaning including taxes and service charges.

The data will only tally with DRR if taxes are excluded. 

To Generate the report.

  1. Date From And Until: Select the date range. 
  2. Accommodation: by default, is ALL, but you can select a specific accommodation.
  3. Rate Cod: by default, is ALL, but you can select a specific rate code.
  4. Order By: Select if you want the report to be ordered by (Rate Code, Revenue, Accommodation, or Room Nights).
  5. Click Generate

Example of the report order by Rate Code

Example of the report order by Accommodation

Example of the report order by Revenue

Example of the report order by Room Nights

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