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This program allows the user to link the Rate Code Groups to the COA (chart of account). This needs some explanation. A rate code is used to create a rate for rooms or venues and possibly other components like breakfast, lunch, welcome drink and many more. In fact, within a rate code there can be unlimited components. When a rate code is created, a rate code group must be selected. In this program you can link the rate code group to the COA, allowing to segregate revenues between different sources on finance level. Obviously, there are many ways to segregate revenues, like market segment, sources etc, but this refers to finance level. Please note that the linking refers to the room or venue component. BDI's are linked in the program "Revenue Sources".

Rate code group is divided into two types.

  • Room 
  • Venue

Remarks:  Adding new record affects all properties within the group. This means add new record is all, edit and delete is per property.

To Add

  1. Type in the name of the Rate Code Group in the text field “Rate Code Group”
  2. Select the rate code type. Select Room when the rate code group is meant for room rate codes, select venue, when is applies to a venue rate code.
  3. Select the Ledger account from the drop down list.
  4. Select the Group Name  from the drop down list.
  5. Select the Account Name  from the drop down list. Tip: search for the account and skip Ledger and Group.
  6. Select the outlet name from the drop down list.
  7. Select the rate code type. Select Room when the rate code group is meant for room rate codes, select venue type, when it applies to a venue rate code.
  8. Click "Submit" when done.

To Edit

1. Click on an existing rate code group, the row will be highlighted. Click "edit".
2. The existing information will be displayed in the text field and drop boxes.
3. Change what needs to be changed and click the “submit” button


UN-tick the box to show in-active records
By using the “so called” buttons in the right corner of the screen, you can set the rate code group back to active, or you can set an existing active one to inactive.
Use the “ submit” button to update the system

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