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The payment categories are predefined in the database. There are no user-defined payment categories. In this program, the user can define its accepted payment methods and link them to the COA (chart of accounts) as well as the categories to which they belong.

For example; Master, Visa, and Amex all belong to Visa/master clearing accounts or credit card transactions”, but can be linked to different clearing accounts in the COA. A payment method is any type of “payment” that can be used to book payments or close an invoice. Employee Ledger, OC, Entertainment, and vouchers, therefore, are also payment methods. For credit cards, it is wise to link accounts based on the credit card statement you received. For example; if Master Card and Visa are on the same statement, it would be better to link them to the same account which will make the reconciliation easier. Most of the accounts linked will open a “pop-up” in the GL Program with all transactions, which makes it easy to knock off and reconcile.

Remarks: Adding a new payment method will appear in all properties within the group, edit and delete only affects the property in which the user is making the changes.

paymentCategoryIDpaymentCategoryDescriptionpopUppaymentMethod ExampleRemarks
  • Cash
any cash payment method linked to this category doesn't require individual knock-off. Clearing can just be a lump sum.
  • Visa Credit/Master Credit
  • Amex
  • JCB
  • Diners

  • Visa Debit/Master Debit

  • Charge To Folio
  • Room Charge
room charge
not applicable 
  • CL or AR
city Ledger, you should only create one payment method for this category.
  • E Value

This is normally used in places like waterpark, and party outlets that do not want cash payments, but the guest can pay with e-value purchased. They just put a certain amount on the E-value when they purchase a ticket. 

  • Voucher

  • Cheque

  • MBB
  • UOB
  • CIMB
  • UBPH
Any payment method linked to this category will not have a clearing. Meaning, this category can just be linked directly to your bank account. If you received payments in multiple banks, multiple payment methods must be created.
  • OC
official cheque
  • ENT

  • el
employee ledger
  • Redemption
Redemption is exchanging a voucher for a service. This is normally coming from a third party. For example, Metrodeal sells Package A to the consumer and gets a voucher. Then the consumer redeems package A in the hotel/resort/theme park in exchange for a voucher.
not applicable
  • Internal Clearing

any cash payment method linked to this category requires individual knock-off. Individual clearing of cash payments.
  • Bank Clearing
any payment method linked to this category will require a clearing.
  • CTP
commission third party, this is used for OTA's commission.

  1. Select the Add new record button.
  2. Select the payment category of the payment method you are adding. 
  3. Link the payment method to the appropriate accounts. In most cases, it will be linked to clearing accounts.
  4. Enter the surcharge percentage If applicable; It is possible to select a surcharge for credit card payments, which is getting more common nowadays. Leave it blank if not applicable
  5. Continue with "surcharge %", if point 4 is applicable.
  6. If point 4 is applicable, select the related BDI. The BDI's in the dropdown are only those where revenueTypeID = A4 (outlet charges)
  7. Click the submit button when done.

To Edit

  1. Click the "edit" icon and start editing the data.
  2. Click "submit" when done.
  3. Click "Cancel" if you don't want to make any changes.

To Delete (deactivate)

  1. Select the payment method that you want to deactivate, click the "deactivate" button.
  2. Are you sure you want to deactivate this record?
  3. Click "OK".

To Re-activate

  1. UN-tick the box “hide inactive” to show the inactive records.
  2. Select the payment method that you want to re-activate, click the "re-activate" button.
  3. Are you sure you want to re-activate this record?
  4. Click "OK".

  • No labels