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Items needs to be grouped by categories. These categories will be linked to the Chart of account using the "purchase accounts" program.

Rule: The minimum number of item categories is depending on the segregation of the cost / Fixed Assets in the COA (Chart of Account).

A Category can only be linked to one account. Therefore, asset category can only have asset items.

Remarks:  Adding new record affects all properties within the group. This means add new record is all, edit and delete is per property

Example of Item Categories

Food  & Beverage CategoryNon Food Category

Asset Category  


Fruits & Vegetables

Office suppliesFA- Computer Equipment
2Dairy ProductsRepairs & MaintenanceFA - Motor Vehicle
3Fish & SeafoodDecorationsFA - Fixtures & Fittings
4Dry GroceriesPrinting & StationeryFA - Office Equipment
5Alcoholic BeverageHardware ExpensesFA - Aircon
6Non AlcoholicComputer expensesFA - Printers
7Retail - T ShirtTravel ExpensesFA - Land & Building

This program should be under the control of Finance. Any item categories that do not have a proper linking in finance, transactions will go to Uncleared P&L Purchase or Uncleared Balance Purchase.

To Add

  1. Click the button "+ Add new Record", type the Item category name and the description. Hit Submit or enter when done.

To Edit

  1. Click the "edit" icon and start editing the data.
  2. Click "submit" when done.
  3. Click "cancel" if you don't want to make any changes.

To Search

Select the filter icon and select from the drop-down list.

  • contains
  • Start with
  • is equal to

To Delete (deactivate)

E-hors will not allow you to delete the item category when there's  an active item under it. Move the item first to the other category before you can delete it.

  1. Navigate to the Item category name that you want to deactivate, click "deactivate" button.
  2. Are you sure you want to de-activate this record?
  3. Click "OK".

Show In-active

UN-tick the box to show in-active records.

To Re-activate

  1. UN-tick the tick box “hide inactive” to show the in-active records.
  2. Select the item category name that you want to re-activate, click "re-activate" button.
  3. Are you sure you want to re-activate this record?
  4. Click "OK".

  • No labels